On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:17:39 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:10:28 GMT, Johan Vos <j...@openjdk.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 15:18:58 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 07:43:43 GMT, Dell Green 
>>> <12861109+dellgr...@users.noreply.github.com> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 12:02:22 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 11:59:52 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 11:58:43 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 08:41:40 GMT, Johan Vos <j...@openjdk.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 19:58:20 GMT, Dell Green 
>>>>>>>> <12861109+dellgr...@users.noreply.github.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 17:42:21 GMT, Kenzie Togami 
>>>>>>>>> <2093023+kenziero...@users.noreply.github.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 17:30:11 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 13:35:51 GMT, Dell Green 
>>>>>>>>>>> <12861109+dellgr...@users.noreply.github.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> buildSrc/crosslibs-armv6hf.sh pulls down debian and raspbian 
>>>>>>>>>>>> packages to be able to cross compile javafx for arm hard float. Up 
>>>>>>>>>>>> to now the upstream distribution versions have been debian and 
>>>>>>>>>>>> raspbian wheezy, but these are now end of life and have been 
>>>>>>>>>>>> archived to servers that have different domain names.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Tried to change to use jessie but this generates a whole load of  
>>>>>>>>>>>> __THROWNL errors, so for now have updated the domain names to 
>>>>>>>>>>>> point to new servers so that wheezy packages can still be 
>>>>>>>>>>>> retrieved and cross compilation succeeds.
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=JDK-8231870
>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> Commits:
>>>>>>>>>>>>  - bb4bcc9e: 8231870: Updated armv6hf crosslibs script with new 
>>>>>>>>>>>> resource domain names for wheezy
>>>>>>>>>>>> Changes: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/8/files
>>>>>>>>>>>>  Webrev: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/jfx/8/webrev.00
>>>>>>>>>>>>   Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8231870
>>>>>>>>>>>>   Stats: 2 lines in 1 file changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 2 mod
>>>>>>>>>>>>   Patch: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/8.diff
>>>>>>>>>>>>   Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx 
>>>>>>>>>>>> pull/8/head:pull/8
>>>>>>>>>>> buildSrc/crosslibs/crosslibs-armv6hf.sh line 232:
>>>>>>>>>>>> 231:         http://archive.debian.org/debian/ wheezy main armhf \
>>>>>>>>>>>> 232:             libatk1.0-dev \
>>>>>>>>>>>> 233:             libatk1.0-0 \
>>>>>>>>>>> The use of `http://` URLs to download artifacts is strongly 
>>>>>>>>>>> discouraged, since it isn't secure. Is there a valid `https://` URL 
>>>>>>>>>>> that can be used instead? I note that just substituting `http` with 
>>>>>>>>>>> `https` in the above URL does not work.
>>>>>>>>>>> buildSrc/crosslibs/crosslibs-armv6hf.sh line 392:
>>>>>>>>>>>> 391:         $DESTINATION \
>>>>>>>>>>>> 392:         http://legacy.raspbian.org/raspbian wheezy firmware 
>>>>>>>>>>>> armhf \
>>>>>>>>>>>> 393:         libraspberrypi-dev
>>>>>>>>>>> Same comment hear about using an `https` URL if possible.
>>>>>>>>>>> I don't have any particular issue with this change. It does 
>>>>>>>>>>> highlight an existing problem where we are still using an `http` 
>>>>>>>>>>> URL rather than `https`. That may or may not be something we can 
>>>>>>>>>>> solve here.
>>>>>>>>>> In general a lot of Debian package URLs are not HTTPS by default 
>>>>>>>>>> because of apt's built-in signature checking, 
>>>>>>>>>> https://whydoesaptnotusehttps.com/. However, it does seem like it 
>>>>>>>>>> should at least be supported, so it might be a bug in the 
>>>>>>>>>> `debian.org` server config.
>>>>>>>>>> Additionally, I see that the `getPackages` command doesn't check 
>>>>>>>>>> these signatures. It probably should, but that's another PR.
>>>>>>>>> https for legacy.raspbian.org works
>>>>>>>> I confirm that without the patch, the "cross-build tools" can not be 
>>>>>>>> fetched. With this patch, the tools can be fetched and the build can 
>>>>>>>> be created using these tools.
>>>>>>>> I think this PR is good as it is, as it fixes something that was 
>>>>>>>> broken.
>>>>>>>> However, in general I think the concept of this crosslibs script is 
>>>>>>>> broken for a number of reasons:
>>>>>>>> 1. for none of the other targets, we have a script for downloading the 
>>>>>>>> toolchain. 
>>>>>>>> 2. we have one big blob toolchain for all ARM devices, and do not take 
>>>>>>>> advantage of new compilers/libraries/CPU's. Maintaining toolchains 
>>>>>>>> requires work, and I think it is better that the OpenJFX repository 
>>>>>>>> focuses on the source code, not on the build context.
>>>>>>>> Rethinking the concept of cross-compiliation involves much more than 
>>>>>>>> just downloading a cross-compiler and libs, and we should not fix that 
>>>>>>>> in a rush.
>>>>>>>> I therefore propose to merge this PR.
>>>>>>> I am going to temporarily change the title in an attempt to force the 
>>>>>>> jcheck bot to run again. I'll change it back once done. Failing this, I 
>>>>>>> will ask the Skara admins to rerun the check if possible. If this 
>>>>>>> doesn't work, we will need to close this PR and have you open a new one.
>>>>>> Looks like that worked and reran jcheck.
>>>>> Please ignore the above comments. I added them to the wrong PR.
>>>>> This PR was and still is ready for review.
>>>> I'll suspend testing of the https domains as previously mentioned.
>>> @dellgreen once you are ready, go ahead and issue the `/integrate` command. 
>>> Presuming that @johanvos will sponsor this, he can then issue the 
>>> `/sponsor` command after double-checking the commit message, etc.
>> While checking, I notice that this PR has a different title than the title 
>> of the corresponding bug in JBS: 
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8231870.
>> @kevin can we simply edit the title of the PR to match the one in JBS?
> Btw, my username is @kevinrushforth so you notified someone else on the above 
> comment...
> Yes, editing the title to match the JBS issue is a very good thing to do. 
> Since you are sponsoring it, go ahead and do that. I don't know for certain 
> whether the bot will pick it up (since the contributor has already done a 
> `/integrate`) -- it will be a good test.

I don't see a way to edit the commit message, so I'll just sponsor it and see 
if the bot modifies the commit message with the new title or not.

PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/8

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