Hi all.

As you may recall a few months back I kicked off a review of APIs that exist in com.sun.* packages that were going to be lost due to the arrival of JDK 9. This resulted in a small number of APIs being proposed and made public in the last few weeks. With JDK 9 slipping we think it is prudent to use some of this time to do a similar exercise for the many impl_* methods that exist as deprecated methods in JavaFX. We would like to do two things:

1) Remove as many of these as possible.
2) Replace the relevant (and most important) impl_ methods with proper, non-deprecated API instead.

Some impl_* methods need to go simply because they take as arguments com.sun.* API. Other impl_* methods need to go away as they are bad or wrong API, intended for internal use only. Some subset of impl_* methods exist because they were added without the benefit of a full API review, but should now be reviewed and possibly made public.

Another indicator of how far we should progress this review is your usage of these methods. Therefore, it would be very interesting to us if you could email me (off list!) the output of a grep search in your projects. You could try running a command along the lines of the following:

grep -r --include "*.java" "impl_" .

This will help to inform us about the extent to which methods are being used, and which ones we need to think more carefully about before removing or replacing.


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