Re: EventHandler not working in 11.0.2

2019-03-30 Thread Rachel Greenham
IntelliJ's code completion looks to be wrong then. Just delete the 

On 27/03/2019 18:29, Andrew Munn wrote:

How do I listen for mouse events in 11.0.2? IntelliJ's code completion
suggests this:

textField.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED, (EventHandler) t -> {
  // do something

but it fails to compile with error: cannot find symbol T


Re: Filling the Packager gap - again

2019-01-14 Thread Rachel Greenham
There have been updates since then. In particular, you can now find it 
hosted here:

What you download is an EA build of jdk-13 which includes jpackage. You 
just use the jpackage that's in that. (You don't have to use that JDK 
for anything else, just literally set a path to that jpackage binary and 
run it.) Up to date options in the JEP:

No idea if the latest fixes your issues. I'm currently only using it on 
Windows where (with a bit of fighting) it's working "good enough for 
now", although updates don't remove the previously installed version of 
your app from the registry like they should yet.


On 13/01/2019 12:44, Kustaa Nyholm wrote:


I've been struggling with packaging my app on MacOs High Sierra (10.13.6) with 
OpenJDK 11.0.1

Literally I've put days into this.

Won't bore you will all the details (unless you want) but my latest attempt is 
based on this
and hence I'm addressing this list:

Specifically I downloaded

and copied:

jpackager -> /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.0.1.jdk/Contents/Home/bin
jdk.packager.jar -> 

I also have (copied from jdk1.8.0_102):


The build works in that it produces a working .dmg and .app with correct icons 
and all '
but the build ends with an unspecified failure (unless it is related to the 
'already an item with that name.'):

Building DMG package for EazyCNC
   Using custom package resource [Bundle config file]  (loaded from 
   Using custom package resource [icon]  (loaded from 
Did not find a key matching 'Developer ID Application: '
   Config files are saved to 
 Use them to customize package.
   Using custom package resource [dmg background]  (loaded from 
   Using custom package resource [volume icon]  (loaded from 
Using default package resource [script to run after application image is 
populated]  (add package/macosx/ to the class path to 
   Using custom package resource [DMG setup script]  (loaded from 
 execution error: Finder got an error: The operation can’t be completed because 
there is already an item with that name. (-48)
   Config files are saved to 
 Use them to customize package.

/Users/nyholku/EazyCNC-Project/build.xml:305: Error: Bundler "DMG Installer" 
(dmg) failed to produce a bundle.

Total time: 6 seconds

Any suggestions to how to dig this further or anything would be highly 

I'm pretty sure I've tried all the workarounds and suggestions that google can 

wbr Kusti

Re: Using the jpackager

2018-11-09 Thread Rachel Greenham
None, that's just my own class task in buildSrc. It's a fairly trivial 
wrapper around a ToolProvider invocation of jlink, so I didn't think it 
was relevant enough to paste the source for that here too, when you 
could also do it trivially with an Exec task similar to the jpackager 
ones later in my first reply.

It's literally public class JLink extends DefaultTask with a bunch of 
getters and setters for the options and a run method that turns them 
into arguments and invokes via ToolProvider. The same task type is also 
used elsewhere in the root project to build the server JRE for the 
server component of this project, which was enough to make it worthwhile 
writing the task. (I also wanted to learn how to write java gradle 
tasks.) The point of the example I did paste was just about showing what 
options to set to jlink. jlink in any detail is offtopic here, this bit 
was just an illustration of using that to build the JRE first with the 
required modules, then use the result in jpackager to build a 
non-modular app.

I would expect to write a similar simple task for jpackager too at some 
point, I just haven't yet. They may be the basis of a useful packager 
plugin, but probably not before jpackager itself is more mature.


On 09/11/2018 21:34, Sverre Moe wrote:
Den fre. 9. nov. 2018 kl. 16:22 skrev Rachel Greenham <>>:

Build the JRE needed using JLink, supplying the needed modules. The
JLink task referenced is actually written in Java and wraps
ToolProvider, but it's pretty trivial and could almost-more-easily be
done with an Exec. NB: The JLink task as written puts it in a "java"
subdirectory of the given destinationDir.

 task buildAdminJre(type: JLink) {
 description 'Build the Client JRE for ' + nativeOsName
 modules = [
 bindServices false
 modulePath =
 noHeaderFiles true
 noManPages true
 stripDebug true

Which gradle plugin are you using that gives you type JLink?

Re: Using the jpackager

2018-11-09 Thread Rachel Greenham

On 09/11/2018 15:20, Rachel Greenham wrote:

Have the jar task build the application as normal. Here's mine as an 
example. The important part is, you don't need to build a single fat 
jar, but you can include the dependent jars with the Class-Path line 
below. Mine isn't a JavaFX app, so I don't know what it does now wrt 
pulling in the openjfx jars here, or whether you add them as modules 
to the jlink task above. I expect the former would be preferable.

Correction, the *latter* would be preferable, of course.


Re: Using the jpackager

2018-11-09 Thread Rachel Greenham
FWIW what I'm doing to build a windows app for jpackager, in terms of 
gradle tasks, that isn't modular. I hope this cleans up over time, but 
this is the final result of having just got the damn thing to work! :-)

I think *eventually* we'll have a single call to jpackager do the whole 
lot. But I think we're not there yet, so it's split out into separate 
steps. You *will* need to make changes for your own context:

Build the JRE needed using JLink, supplying the needed modules. The 
JLink task referenced is actually written in Java and wraps 
ToolProvider, but it's pretty trivial and could almost-more-easily be 
done with an Exec. NB: The JLink task as written puts it in a "java" 
subdirectory of the given destinationDir.

    task buildAdminJre(type: JLink) {
    description 'Build the Client JRE for ' + nativeOsName

    modules = [
    bindServices false
    modulePath = 

    noHeaderFiles true
    noManPages true
    stripDebug true

Have the jar task build the application as normal. Here's mine as an 
example. The important part is, you don't need to build a single fat 
jar, but you can include the dependent jars with the Class-Path line 
below. Mine isn't a JavaFX app, so I don't know what it does now wrt 
pulling in the openjfx jars here, or whether you add them as modules to 
the jlink task above. I expect the former would be preferable.

    Basic non-fat jar.
    jar {
    manifest {
    'Product-Name': applicationName,
    'Main-Class': mainClassName,
    'Package-Vendor': vendor,
    'Package-Version': adminVersion,
    'Permissions': "all-permissions",
configurations.runtimeClasspath.files.collect { it.getName() }.join(' ')

    archiveName = 'adm.jar'

Build the application image. This should be mostly platform independent. 
(I think the only thing stopping it being is probably the .ico file for 
the icon.) Note I'm supplying as --input the lib dir from the target 
built by the standard gradle installDist task, so it contains the 
dependencies as well. adm.jar's manifest lists these as dependencies in 
Class-Path as per above. The JRE is supplied in the --runtime-image 

    task createImage(type: Exec) {
    description 'Build the App Image for this platform using jpackager'
    dependsOn installDist
    dependsOn buildAdminJre
    def imageDir = "$buildDir/image"
    outputs.dir new File(imageDir,applicationName)
    commandLine 'jpackager', 'create-image',
    '--input', new 



You'll now have the application image suitable for your platform. I've 
only tried this on Windows so far.

Note: My app has a space in the applicationName value. This breaks at 
the moment. The following is a workaround task, split out for easy 
removal later when I'm sure it won't be necessary any more:

    task fixWindowsImage(type: Copy) {
    This task creates a copy of the image created by createImage task
    and fixes it up for using as the source of a Windows Installer.
    As of first writing, what this means is renaming a couple of files,
    because create-image crushes out spaces in the application name but
    we want them in, we have to rename the generated .exe and .cfg 

    to have that space again.
    Then msiInstaller will work to actually create the shortcut and
    start menu items.
    dependsOn createImage
    from createImage.outputs.files.singleFile
    into "$buildDir/fixedImage/$applicationName"
    rename (".exe", applicationName+".exe")
    rename (".cfg", applicationName+".cfg")

Then, as a separate stage, run the bit that puts it into an installer. 
So here the input supplied in --app-image is the complete application 
image as already created and fixed by the above tasks.

    task msiInstaller(type: Exec) {
    see fixWindowsImage for a necessary fix to the created application
    image to allow shortcut and startmenu items to work.

JavaBeanObjectPropertyBuilder has incomplete generics support

2018-11-02 Thread Rachel Greenham seems to be 
only partially adapted for generics. The class itself has a generic type 
(class JavaBeanObjectPropertyBuilder) and its build() method returns 
JavaBeanObjectProperty, but the lack of other support means you can't 
fluently create a property without also suppressing "unchecked" warnings.

ie: One might want to do:

private ObjectProperty ip4Property;


this.ip4Property = JavaBeanObjectPropertyBuilder.create()

but this will produce "unchecked" warnings during compilation. Harmless 
but annoying when you want to keep it clean. As it stands, to compile 
cleanly you need to split it up:

var builder = new JavaBeanObjectPropertyBuilder();
builder.bean(server).name("ip"); // they return untyped builder
this.ip4Property =;

... or suppress the warning. I hate suppressing warnings. :-)

Proposed fix: (I don't have an OpenJFX build environment yet, this is 
the first time I've wanted to change something!)

* Each of the instance methods (except build()) to have declared return 
type JavaBeanObjectPropertyBuilder. This allows chaining those fluent 
builder methods without losing the generic type.

* create() method to be:
public static  JavaBeanObjectPropertyBuilder create() {
    return new JavaBeanObjectPropertyBuilder();

I think that's all it needs, and the latter only if you prefer to use 
the static builder factory method rather than just using the constructor 
directly. Then the first code example above would work cleanly as is. It 
also allows for callers to optionally explicitly specify the generic 
type to create() with eg: var builder = 

As you can see all this is just generic type declarations, which should 
all be erased to cause no actual change to runtime. The effect on 
existing code should be null except that some people would be able to, 
if they want, remove the @SuppressWarnings

("unchecked") annotation they've so far had to put above it.


Re: Code review of jpackager tool (JEP 343)

2018-10-24 Thread Rachel Greenham
ah. as i only followed this list to follow progress on this, turns out 
I'm in the wrong place. :-)


On 24/10/2018 13:10, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

The code review for the jpackager tool, JEP 343, is underway: 

The review is being done on the mailing 
list, so please direct all feedback on the implementation of the JEP 
to that list.

-- Kevin