What is the difference between hardware acceleration in JavaFX versus 
Swing/AWT? I heard a while back someone claim that Swing/AWT could never fully 
leverage hardware acceleration. However there are the usual mix of -D 
parameters (sun.java2.opengl/sun.java2d.d3d, etc.) for Swing/AWT. So I am just 
wondering how JavaFX’s acceleration differs from the hardware acceleration in 
Swing. When I was giving a talk at a JUG meeting someone called me out on the 
hardware acceleration bit and I realized I didn’t fully understand the 
differences between the two.

 I understand that JavaFX has a scene graph and Swing doesn’t etc. So I am 
assuming that the scene graph operations are optimized on the GPU whereas if 
you were trying to replicate a scene graph in Swing you would obviously be 
doing all the work on the CPU. So Swing’s hardware acceleration is more about 

 I did come across this article:
 Specifically this line caught my attention "Prism finally renders effects with 
full hardware acceleration and without the extra buffer copies that spoil 
effects on the Swing toolkit.” 
 This article is a dated - brings up a second question about hardware 
acceleration with a hybrid Swing/JavaFX application - what happens?


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