In the datetime textfields in JFXtras, the picker popup has an explicit close button 
rendered using an ImageView, the image is specified using CSS "-fx-image".
This ImageView is added as the right of a BorderPane, and the BorderPane is the 
content of a popup.

What happens is that the close image is not shown. I suspect this is because 
the CSS is applied after the popup is opened, so the ImageView initially has a 
width of 0. For the moment I enforce a width using setFitWidth(16), but that of 
course is not the idea of styling via CSS.

Trying to preload the ImageView is not possible, because it is not part of any 
scene/stage until the popup is shown and therefore its CSS is not applied until 
Preloading the image is not possible, because it is styled through CSS.

I'm stuck; how do I make sure the popup sizes to the correct width, taking the 
CSS styled image in account?


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