Hi All,

Here is a rough outline of what I am doing trying to get my java app into the 
Apple app store. There seems to be some variance in what might work. I know 
there is work going on to fix these things for a later version of openJDK but 
wanted to see if someone knows what I am doing wrong. I am down to just a error 
regarding invalid signature but I have no working java apps in the app store to 
compare some things to like the info plist for the ire.

Let me know those who have done this successfully what I am missing.

/create the app bundle
ant bundle.mac.app

//modify bundle id in pinto list since it is now all lowercase and needs 
Map-Master to have some letters for uppercase.

//copy info.plist from jdk install Contents directory to jdk/contents directory

//remove libjfxmedia.dynlib since contain the old quicktime library calls

//set permissions to be able to sign all the plugins jars
chmod -R 777 Map-Master.app/Contents/Plugins

sign all jars in sub directory only do this if needed
find Map-Master.app -name "*.jar" -or -name "*.dylib" | xargs codesign -f -s 
“3rd Party Mac Developer Application: team name” —-entitlements 

sign the plugins
codesign —verbose —deep —force -s “3rd Party Mac Developer Application: team 
name” —entitlements Map-Master.entitlements 

//Sign the app
codesign —-deep f -s “3rd Party Mac Developer Application: team name” 
—entitlements Map-Master.entitlements Map-Master.app

//Build the package for the store
productbuild —component Map-Master.app /Applications —sign “3rd Party Mac 
Developer Installer: team name” Map-Master.pkg

//Test the install
sudo installer -store -pkg Map-Master.pkg

//upload to the store using Xcode

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