
I started to work on a project, which extends OL capabilities with real 
raster support. First, I will implement a WCS interpreter, one similar to 
the current OL OWS image formats. This is a 10 months research aimed at 
rasters on the web. In the first phase it will cover two different 
approaches for drawing rasters, and of course only the winner gets 
implemented, the others will stay in the prototype stage. My current 
dilemma is how should I implement the fix capabilities (i.e. everything 
aside render classes), and that's why I'm asking for as many core dev 
inputs as you can provide. It would be a HUGE help if you could delimit the 
features you would like to see in the core library from the ones you don't. 
With this input, I can easily decide if I should implement the given 
feature as an external module or as part of the core lib. Currently I have 
the following classes in mind:

  - ol.layer.Raster -- a layer capable of styling raw matrices
  - ol.source.Matrix or ol.source.rawRaster or something like that -- a 
source capable of storing raw matrices
  - ol.source.WCS -- a source able to send simple WCS requests and process 
  - ol.style.Raster -- a style for mapping colors to cell values

Best regards,
Gábor Farkas

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