Hello group,

I'm new to developing in this particular environment, so sorry for the 
newbie question.  I forked the openlayers master branch and pulled 
everything down with Git.  Then ran 

make check-deps according to the DEVELOPING.md page.

make check-deps
make: *** No rule to make target 'check-deps'. Stop.

Please, any guidance much appreciated. I'm running Cygwin on Windows

$ more Makefile
SRC_GLSL := $(shell find src -type f -name '*.glsl')
SRC_SHADER_JS := $(patsubst %shader.glsl,%shader.js,$(SRC_GLSL))

.PHONY: shaders

%shader.js: %shader.glsl src/ol/webgl/shader.mustache tasks/glslunit.js
 @node tasks/glslunit.js --input $< | ./node_modules/.bin/mustache - 
src/ol/webgl/shader.mustache > $@

%shader/Locations.js: %shader.glsl src/ol/webgl/shaderlocations.mustache 
 @mkdir -p $(@D)
 @node tasks/glslunit.js --input $< | ./node_modules/.bin/mustache - 
src/ol/webgl/shaderlocations.mustache > $@

My ultimate goal is to add interactive drawing of arc segments to drawing 
polygons, and to have that geometry formatted our as CURVEPOLYGON WKT.

Thank you

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