Re: RE24 call for testing (round 1)

2010-04-22 Thread Jens Vagelpohl
Hash: SHA1

On 4/20/10 02:17 , Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
> Please test RE24 in preparation for 2.4.22.  Currently it all builds for
> me, and the only test failure I've had is for test022 (ppolicy).  It
> happened in 36/100 runs, not sure what is going on there.

OS X 10.6.3/Intel X86_64 still OK after 3 hour repeating run.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)


Re: RE24 call for testing (round 1)

2010-04-20 Thread Jonathan Clarke

Le 20/04/2010 02:17, Quanah Gibson-Mount a écrit :

Please test RE24 in preparation for 2.4.22.  Currently it all builds for
me, and the only test failure I've had is for test022 (ppolicy). It
happened in 36/100 runs, not sure what is going on there.

All fine on Ubuntu 32 and 64 bit, over several hundred iterations.

Jonathan Clarke -
Ldap Synchronization Connector (LSC) -

Re: RE24 call for testing (round 1)

2010-04-20 Thread William Jojo wrote:

Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:

Please test RE24 in preparation for 2.4.22.  Currently it all builds
for me, and the only test failure I've had is for test022 (ppolicy).
It happened in 36/100 runs, not sure what is going on there.


AIX 5.3, BDB, SASL 2.1.23, OpenSSL 0.9.8.m

32- and 64-bit built ok. Tests revealed the following:

ERROR: entry not replicated to central master!
Race error found after 2 of 10 iterations
Found 3 errors
 >> Exiting with a false success status for now
 > ./scripts/test058-syncrepl-asymmetric completed OK for hdb.

make[2]: Leaving directory `/stage/openldap/ldap/tests'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/stage/openldap/ldap/tests'

ERROR: entry not replicated to central master!
Race error found after 4 of 10 iterations
Found 3 errors
 >> Exiting with a false success status for now
 > ./scripts/test058-syncrepl-asymmetric completed OK for hdb.

make[2]: Leaving directory `/stage64/openldap/ldap/tests'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/stage64/openldap/ldap/tests'

This is an error we have decided to ignore by now.  Thanks for the report,

Fair enough. :-) Hope the testing helps.


I've tested on i386 (Centos 5.2, single core) and x86_64 (RHAS5, 4 HT
cores).  Builds ok, and all tests pass fine.



Re: RE24 call for testing (round 1)

2010-04-20 Thread masarati
> Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
>> Please test RE24 in preparation for 2.4.22.  Currently it all builds
>> for me, and the only test failure I've had is for test022 (ppolicy).
>> It happened in 36/100 runs, not sure what is going on there.
> AIX 5.3, BDB, SASL 2.1.23, OpenSSL 0.9.8.m
> 32- and 64-bit built ok. Tests revealed the following:
> (32bit)
> ERROR: entry not replicated to central master!
> Race error found after 2 of 10 iterations
> Found 3 errors
>  >> Exiting with a false success status for now
>  > ./scripts/test058-syncrepl-asymmetric completed OK for hdb.
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/stage/openldap/ldap/tests'
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/stage/openldap/ldap/tests'
> (64bit)
> ERROR: entry not replicated to central master!
> Race error found after 4 of 10 iterations
> Found 3 errors
>  >> Exiting with a false success status for now
>  > ./scripts/test058-syncrepl-asymmetric completed OK for hdb.
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/stage64/openldap/ldap/tests'
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/stage64/openldap/ldap/tests'

This is an error we have decided to ignore by now.  Thanks for the report,

I've tested on i386 (Centos 5.2, single core) and x86_64 (RHAS5, 4 HT
cores).  Builds ok, and all tests pass fine.


Re: RE24 call for testing (round 1)

2010-04-20 Thread William Jojo

Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
Please test RE24 in preparation for 2.4.22.  Currently it all builds 
for me, and the only test failure I've had is for test022 (ppolicy).  
It happened in 36/100 runs, not sure what is going on there.

AIX 5.3, BDB, SASL 2.1.23, OpenSSL 0.9.8.m

32- and 64-bit built ok. Tests revealed the following:

ERROR: entry not replicated to central master!
Race error found after 2 of 10 iterations
Found 3 errors
>> Exiting with a false success status for now
> ./scripts/test058-syncrepl-asymmetric completed OK for hdb.

make[2]: Leaving directory `/stage/openldap/ldap/tests'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/stage/openldap/ldap/tests'

ERROR: entry not replicated to central master!
Race error found after 4 of 10 iterations
Found 3 errors
>> Exiting with a false success status for now
> ./scripts/test058-syncrepl-asymmetric completed OK for hdb.

make[2]: Leaving directory `/stage64/openldap/ldap/tests'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/stage64/openldap/ldap/tests'




Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc

Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration

Re: RE24 call for testing

2009-10-07 Thread Rein Tollevik

Aaron Richton wrote:

On Thu, 1 Oct 2009, Aaron Richton wrote:

Hmm...actually, this is with 2.4.18. But I don't know if there were 
changes on point since then?

Got the same thing with RE24 checkout from yesterday.

I have also managed the same, after about 800 runs of test058.. 
Currently testing a possible fix..


Re: RE24 call for testing

2009-10-07 Thread Aaron Richton

On Thu, 1 Oct 2009, Aaron Richton wrote:

Hmm...actually, this is with 2.4.18. But I don't know if there were 
changes on point since then?

Got the same thing with RE24 checkout from yesterday.

current thread: t...@8
  [1] lwp_mutex_lock(0x1005d3b88, 0x7fff7e712d70, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 
0x7fff73bfe6d9), at 0x7fff7e717e6c
  [2] mutex_lock_kernel(0x1005d3b88, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10533c, 0x7fff7e713b38, 
0x0), at 0x7fff7e712e10
  [3] mutex_lock_internal(0x0, 0x10, 0x7fff7e601c00, 0x100254608, 0x101160b72, 0x101160c21), at 0x7fff7e713e58 
=>[4] ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock(mutex = 0x1005d3b88), line 296 in "thr_posix.c"

  [5] syncprov_op_mod(op = 0x7fff73bff400, rs = 0x7fff73bfeec8), line 1965 in 
  [6] overlay_op_walk(op = 0x7fff73bff400, rs = 0x7fff73bfeec8, which = 
op_modify, oi = 0x100719ed0, on = 0x10071bb40), line 659 in "backover.c"
  [7] over_op_func(op = 0x7fff73bff400, rs = 0x7fff73bfeec8, which = op_modify), 
line 721 in "backover.c"
  [8] over_op_modify(op = 0x7fff73bff400, rs = 0x7fff73bfeec8), line 760 in 
  [9] syncrepl_updateCookie(si = 0x100718e60, op = 0x7fff73bff400, pdn = 0x100717870, 
syncCookie = 0x7fff73bff178), line 3059 in "syncrepl.c"
  [10] do_syncrep2(op = 0x7fff73bff400, si = 0x100718e60), line 1177 in 
  [11] do_syncrepl(ctx = 0x7fff73bffc20, arg = 0x1007190d0), line 1358 in 
  [12] connection_read_thread(ctx = 0x7fff73bffc20, argv = 0x1c), line 1261 in 
  [13] ldap_int_thread_pool_wrapper(xpool = 0x100536b70), line 685 in "tpool.c"

Re: RE24 call for testing

2009-10-01 Thread Aaron Richton
Failed test056 under Fedora 12...under valgrind, which reported a clean 

--- ldif.flt2009-10-01 18:12:09.0 -0400
+++ ldapsearch.flt  2009-10-01 18:12:09.0 -0400
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+dn: cn=Connection 0,cn=Connections,cn=Monitor
+structuralObjectClass: monitorConnection
+monitorConnectionProtocol: 3
+monitorConnectionOpsReceived: 3
+monitorConnectionOpsExecuting: 1
+monitorConnectionOpsPending: 0
+monitorConnectionOpsCompleted: 2
+monitorConnectionGet: 3
+monitorConnectionRead: 3
+monitorConnectionWrite: 0
+monitorConnectionMask: xC
+monitorConnectionListener: ldap://localhost:9011/
+monitorConnectionLocalAddress: IP=LOCAL:9011
+entryDN: cn=Connection 0,cn=Connections,cn=Monitor
 dn: cn=Connection 1,cn=Connections,cn=Monitor
 structuralObjectClass: monitorConnection
 monitorConnectionProtocol: 3

Re: RE24 call for testing

2009-10-01 Thread Quanah Gibson-Mount
--On Thursday, October 01, 2009 10:00 AM -0400 Aaron Richton 

On Wed, 30 Sep 2009, Aaron Richton wrote:

(dbx) thread -blockedby t...@5
Thread t...@5 is blocked by:
0x0001005d3578 (0x1005d3578): usync_? mutex(locked)
Lock is unowned

and the slapd is deadlocked.

Hmm...actually, this is with 2.4.18. But I don't know if there were
changes on point since then?

Not that I'm aware of.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc

Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration

Re: RE24 call for testing

2009-10-01 Thread Aaron Richton

On Wed, 30 Sep 2009, Aaron Richton wrote:

(dbx) thread -blockedby t...@5
Thread t...@5 is blocked by:
0x0001005d3578 (0x1005d3578): usync_? mutex(locked)
Lock is unowned

and the slapd is deadlocked.

Hmm...actually, this is with 2.4.18. But I don't know if there were 
changes on point since then?

Re: RE24 call for testing

2009-09-30 Thread Aaron Richton

On Tue, 29 Sep 2009, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:

Please test RE24 for 2.4.19 preparation. Thanks!

Looks like mt_mutex might have been hit out of order? Under test058:

current thread: t...@5
  [1] lwp_mutex_lock(0x1005d3578, 0x7fff7e712d70, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 
0x7fff75ffe6d9), at 0x7fff7e717e6c
  [2] mutex_lock_kernel(0x1005d3578, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10533c, 0x7fff7e713b38, 
0x0), at 0x7fff7e712e10
  [3] mutex_lock_internal(0x0, 0x10, 0x7fff7e601000, 0x1002542b0, 0x100cb07a2, 0x100cb0851), at 0x7fff7e713e58 
=>[4] ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock(mutex = 0x1005d3578), line 296 in "thr_posix.c"

  [5] syncprov_op_mod(op = 0x7fff75fff400, rs = 0x7fff75ffeec8), line 1965 in 
  [6] overlay_op_walk(op = 0x7fff75fff400, rs = 0x7fff75ffeec8, which = 
op_modify, oi = 0x100719820, on = 0x10071b490), line 659 in "backover.c"
  [7] over_op_func(op = 0x7fff75fff400, rs = 0x7fff75ffeec8, which = op_modify), 
line 721 in "backover.c"
  [8] over_op_modify(op = 0x7fff75fff400, rs = 0x7fff75ffeec8), line 760 in 
  [9] syncrepl_updateCookie(si = 0x1007188d0, op = 0x7fff75fff400, pdn = 0x1007172e0, 
syncCookie = 0x7fff75fff178), line 3059 in "syncrepl.c"
  [10] do_syncrep2(op = 0x7fff75fff400, si = 0x1007188d0), line 1177 in 
  [11] do_syncrepl(ctx = 0x7fff75fffc20, arg = 0x1005548f0), line 1358 in 
  [12] connection_read_thread(ctx = 0x7fff75fffc20, argv = 0x1e), line 1261 in 
  [13] ldap_int_thread_pool_wrapper(xpool = 0x1005365e0), line 685 in "tpool.c"

(dbx) thread -blockedby t...@5
Thread t...@5 is blocked by:
0x0001005d3578 (0x1005d3578): usync_? mutex(locked)
Lock is unowned

and the slapd is deadlocked.

Re: RE24 call for testing

2009-09-30 Thread Gavin Henry
All good on Fedora 32/64.

- "Quanah Gibson-Mount"  wrote:

> Please test RE24 for 2.4.19 preparation. Thanks!
> --Quanah
> --
> Quanah Gibson-Mount
> Principal Software Engineer
> Zimbra, Inc
> Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration

Kind Regards,

Gavin Henry.
OpenLDAP Engineering Team.


Community developed LDAP software.

Re: RE24 call for testing

2009-09-29 Thread Dieter Kluenter
Quanah Gibson-Mount  writes:

> Please test RE24 for 2.4.19 preparation. Thanks!

opensuse-11.1-x86_64 OK
but I have got the feeling that the tests run rather slow,
i.e. test039 which takes more than 25 sec for 1000 binds, in previous
versions this was done within 11 - 13 sec AFAIR.
This is a single core athlon64 and 4GB RAM, top showed up to 80% CPU


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung

Re: RE24 call for testing

2009-09-29 Thread Xin LI
Hash: SHA1

Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
> Please test RE24 for 2.4.19 preparation. Thanks!

All tests succeeded on FreeBSD/amd64 8.0.

- --
Xin LI
FreeBSD - The Power to Serve!
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (FreeBSD)
