Re: SASL Binds and meaning of "users"

2023-04-19 Thread Quanah Gibson-Mount

--On Tuesday, April 18, 2023 4:43 PM +0200 Ondřej Kuzník 

Recently seen a few people assume that authz-regexp search-based mappings
enforce that an entry is found or the Bind is failed, which is not the
case. Obviously the admin guide[0] should be adjusted not to cause more
confusion but the question remains:

Should we be able to decide whether an identity should be considered a
"user" (Bind succeeds)?

I'm generally of the opinion that using "by users X" other than "by users 
none" is a very bad idea and should be avoided, largely for the issues 
above.  A user is anything that had some sort of success in a BIND 
operation, whether or not (particularly when dealing with SASL mechanisms) 
it actually mapped to something in the database.  It's only a small step 
above "by anonymous X".  There are valid reasons to allow a SASL bind that 
doesn't actually map to something in the DB.


Re: SASL Binds and meaning of "users"

2023-04-18 Thread Jordan Brown
Always remember that authentication and authorization are different
things.  Many more entities might be able to authenticate than are
authorized to take any particular action.

Jordan Brown, Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance, Oracle Solaris