Re: slapo-constraint negated regex

2020-11-17 Thread Quanah Gibson-Mount

--On Saturday, November 7, 2020 6:40 PM + David Barchiesi 


After reading the slapo-constraint man page and searching online for a
possible solution it is clear that the overlay doesn't conveniently allow
setting a constraint with a negated regex.

The root cause is that negative lookahead isn't supported by extended
POSIX  regex. One could argue that the complement of a regular language
is itself  regular again and therefore it is certainly possible to write
a regex that  doesn't allow certain values, however any regex of this
sort quickly becomes  complex [1][2][3].

Taking grep as an example (i.e. --invert-match), I propose adding a
constraint  type that allows using a regex in a negated way. When a match
is found a  constraint error is raised. Looking at the constraint overlay
code it seems  pretty trivial and I am willing to submit myself a patch
that allows setting  something like:

constraint_attribute mail negregex ^.*@somedomain\.com$

I already have an initial implementation and first tests seem to work as
intended. Would such a patch be accepted? If so, could anyone guide me
with  getting the patch merged?

Hi David,

The project would be happy to accept such a contribution.  The contribution 
process is generally documented at 

a) File an ITS for this new functionality if one does not already exist at 

b) Create an account at and fork the OpenLDAP 

c) Create a working branch off of master (i.e., git checkout -b its)

d) Commit your work and git push

e) Submit an MR

f) Ensure you add a rights statement as documented in the contrib web page 
to the ITS so we have a history of it.




Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP:

slapo-constraint negated regex

2020-11-07 Thread David Barchiesi

After reading the slapo-constraint man page and searching online for a 
possible solution it is clear that the overlay doesn't conveniently allow 
setting a constraint with a negated regex.

The root cause is that negative lookahead isn't supported by extended POSIX 
regex. One could argue that the complement of a regular language is itself 
regular again and therefore it is certainly possible to write a regex that 
doesn't allow certain values, however any regex of this sort quickly becomes 
complex [1][2][3].

Taking grep as an example (i.e. --invert-match), I propose adding a constraint 
type that allows using a regex in a negated way. When a match is found a 
constraint error is raised. Looking at the constraint overlay code it seems 
pretty trivial and I am willing to submit myself a patch that allows setting 
something like:

constraint_attribute mail negregex ^.*@somedomain\.com$

I already have an initial implementation and first tests seem to work as 
intended. Would such a patch be accepted? If so, could anyone guide me with 
getting the patch merged?

Thanks in advance,
