Re: SASL pass-through fails

2016-09-18 Thread Joshua Schaeffer

I figured out the problem. My krb5.keytab file somehow got corrupted on my 
OpenLDAP server. I just needed to deleted it and recreate it. I got tipped off 
to the problem when I started having login issues to the server as well.

On 09/18/2016 04:30 AM, Michael Ströder wrote:

FWIW: There's a contrib overlay to achieve this without having to use SASL
pass-through. See directory contrib/slapd-modules/kinit/ in the source tree.

Not sure which status this has though.

Ciao, Michael.

Good to know, had no idea there was an overlay for this.

Joshua Schaeffer

Re: SASL pass-through fails

2016-09-18 Thread Michael Ströder
Joshua Schaeffer wrote:
> I've been using OpenLDAP and Kerberos for central authentication for a while
> now, but I have a couple programs that can't use GSSAPI directly and I want to
> setup SASL pass-through authentication to allow those services to use my
> Kerberos passwords, but I'm having trouble getting saslauthd to work 
> correctly.

FWIW: There's a contrib overlay to achieve this without having to use SASL
pass-through. See directory contrib/slapd-modules/kinit/ in the source tree.

Not sure which status this has though.

Ciao, Michael.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: SASL pass-through fails

2016-09-17 Thread Joshua Schaeffer

On 09/17/2016 02:41 PM, Joshua Schaeffer wrote:

Your testsaslauthd is trying to use the imap service. If you don't have an imap 
service in your KDC, then of course it will fail.

I saw that, but couldn't figure out how to change the service directly (Nothing in 
saslauthd(8) says anything about service). I'm assuming that "imap" is the 

Oh daah.. it's in man testsaslauthd(8) that explains about the service name. I'll play 
around with that, but as I showed, I couldn't get it to work with the "ldap" 
service either and I do have one of those.

Re: SASL pass-through fails

2016-09-17 Thread Joshua Schaeffer

Your testsaslauthd is trying to use the imap service. If you don't have an imap 
service in your KDC, then of course it will fail.

I saw that, but couldn't figure out how to change the service directly (Nothing in 
saslauthd(8) says anything about service). I'm assuming that "imap" is the 
default when using testsaslauthd. I could get it to change when I try a simple bind, but 
that doesn't change the result, I still get an error, and I do have a ldap service in my 
KDC. I also do have {SASL} set as my userPassword.

root@baneling:~# ldapsearch -LLL -x -D "uid=jschaeffer,ou=End 
Users,ou=People,dc=harmonywave,dc=com" -W -b ""
Enter LDAP Password:
ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)

saslauthd[1479] :do_auth : auth failure: [user=jschaeffer] 
[service=ldap] [realm=HARMONYWAVE.COM] [mech=kerberos5] [reason=saslauthd 
internal error]

kadmin: listprincs

Joshua Schaeffer

Re: SASL pass-through fails

2016-09-17 Thread Howard Chu

Joshua Schaeffer wrote:

Hey all,

I've been using OpenLDAP and Kerberos for central authentication for a while
now, but I have a couple programs that can't use GSSAPI directly and I want to
setup SASL pass-through authentication to allow those services to use my
Kerberos passwords, but I'm having trouble getting saslauthd to work correctly.

I can authentication as myself using GSSAPI without any issue:

jschaeffer@zipmaster07 ~/Downloads $ ldapwhoami
SASL/GSSAPI authentication started
SASL username:
SASL data security layer installed.
dn:uid=jschaeffer,ou=end users,ou=people,dc=harmonywave,dc=com

But whenever I run the testsaslauthd command I can't get a successful

root@baneling:~# testsaslauthd -u -p 
0: NO "authentication failed"

When I debug the saslauthd daemon all i get is this:

root@baneling:~# saslauthd -a kerberos5 -m /var/run/saslauthd -n 5 -d
saslauthd[1121] :main: num_procs  : 5
saslauthd[1121] :main: mech_option: NULL
saslauthd[1121] :main: run_path   : /var/run/saslauthd
saslauthd[1121] :main: auth_mech  : kerberos5
saslauthd[1121] :ipc_init: using accept lock file:
saslauthd[1121] :detach_tty  : master pid is: 0
saslauthd[1121] :ipc_init: listening on socket: /var/run/saslauthd/mux
saslauthd[1121] :main: using process model
saslauthd[1121] :have_baby   : forked child: 1122
saslauthd[1122] :get_accept_lock : acquired accept lock
saslauthd[1121] :have_baby   : forked child: 1123
saslauthd[1121] :have_baby   : forked child: 1124
saslauthd[1121] :have_baby   : forked child: 1125
saslauthd[1122] :rel_accept_lock : released accept lock
saslauthd[1124] :get_accept_lock : acquired accept lock
saslauthd[1122] :do_auth : auth failure:
[] [service=imap] [realm=] [mech=kerberos5]
[reason=saslauthd internal error]

Kinda at a loss at what else I should look at. Any tips would be appreciated.

Your testsaslauthd is trying to use the imap service. If you don't have an 
imap service in your KDC, then of course it will fail.

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp.
  Director, Highland Sun
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP

Re: SASL pass-through fails

2016-09-17 Thread Brendan Kearney

On 09/17/2016 03:38 PM, Joshua Schaeffer wrote:

Hey all,

I've been using OpenLDAP and Kerberos for central authentication for a 
while now, but I have a couple programs that can't use GSSAPI directly 
and I want to setup SASL pass-through authentication to allow those 
services to use my Kerberos passwords, but I'm having trouble getting 
saslauthd to work correctly.

I can authentication as myself using GSSAPI without any issue:

jschaeffer@zipmaster07 ~/Downloads $ ldapwhoami
SASL/GSSAPI authentication started
SASL username:
SASL data security layer installed.
dn:uid=jschaeffer,ou=end users,ou=people,dc=harmonywave,dc=com

But whenever I run the testsaslauthd command I can't get a successful 

root@baneling:~# testsaslauthd -u -p 
0: NO "authentication failed"

Here are my SASL settings:

root@baneling:~# cat /etc/default/saslauthd | grep -v '^$\|^\s*\#'
DESC="SASL Authentication Daemon"
OPTIONS="-c -m /var/run/saslauthd"

root@baneling:~# cat /etc/ldap/sasl2/slapd.conf

I can see my saslauthd socket listening and what I find really odd is 
that I can see a successful authentication attempt from Kerberos's logs:

root@baneling:~# netstat -a I | grep sasl
unix  2  [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 25552431 

I get this immediately after issuing the testsaslauthd command:

Sep 17 13:09:13 immortal krb5kdc[1210](info): AS_REQ (6 etypes {18 17 
16 23 25 26}) NEEDED_PREAUTH: 
for krbtgt/, Additional 
pre-authentication required
Sep 17 13:09:13 immortal krb5kdc[1210](info): AS_REQ (6 etypes {18 17 
16 23 25 26}) ISSUE: authtime 1474139353, etypes {rep=18 
tkt=18 ses=18}, for 

You can also see it in the slapd logs:

Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=197 SRCH 
base="dc=harmonywave,dc=com" scope=2 deref=0 
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=197 SRCH 
attr=krbprincipalname krbcanonicalname objectclass krbprincipalkey 
krbmaxrenewableage krbmaxticketlife krbticketflags 
krbprincipalexpiration krbticketpolicyreference krbUpEnabled 
krbpwdpolicyreference krbpasswordexpiration krbLastFailedAuth 
krbLoginFailedCount krbLastSuccessfulAuth krbLastPwdChange 
krbLastAdminUnlock krbExtraData krbObjectReferences krbAllowedToDelegateTo
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=197 SEARCH RESULT 
tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=198 SRCH 
base="dc=harmonywave,dc=com" scope=2 deref=0 
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=198 SRCH 
attr=krbprincipalname krbcanonicalname objectclass krbprincipalkey 
krbmaxrenewableage krbmaxticketlife krbticketflags 
krbprincipalexpiration krbticketpolicyreference krbUpEnabled 
krbpwdpolicyreference krbpasswordexpiration krbLastFailedAuth 
krbLoginFailedCount krbLastSuccessfulAuth krbLastPwdChange 
krbLastAdminUnlock krbExtraData krbObjectReferences krbAllowedToDelegateTo
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=198 SEARCH RESULT 
tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=199 SRCH 
scope=0 deref=0 filter="(objectClass=krbPwdPolicy)"
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=199 SRCH attr=cn 
krbmaxpwdlife krbminpwdlife krbpwdmindiffchars krbpwdminlength 
krbpwdhistorylength krbpwdmaxfailure krbpwdfailurecountinterval 
krbpwdlockoutduration krbpwdattributes krbpwdmaxlife 
krbpwdmaxrenewablelife krbpwdallowedkeysalts
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=199 SEARCH RESULT 
tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=200 SRCH 
base="dc=harmonywave,dc=com" scope=2 deref=0 
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=200 SRCH 
attr=krbprincipalname krbcanonicalname objectclass krbprincipalkey 
krbmaxrenewableage krbmaxticketlife krbticketflags 
krbprincipalexpiration krbticketpolicyreference krbUpEnabled 
krbpwdpolicyreference krbpasswordexpiration krbLastFailedAuth 
krbLoginFailedCount krbLastSuccessfulAuth krbLastPwdChange 
krbLastAdminUnlock krbExtraData krbObjectReferences krbAllowedToDelegateTo
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=200 SEARCH RESULT 
tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 

SASL pass-through fails

2016-09-17 Thread Joshua Schaeffer

Hey all,

I've been using OpenLDAP and Kerberos for central authentication for a while 
now, but I have a couple programs that can't use GSSAPI directly and I want to 
setup SASL pass-through authentication to allow those services to use my 
Kerberos passwords, but I'm having trouble getting saslauthd to work correctly.

I can authentication as myself using GSSAPI without any issue:

jschaeffer@zipmaster07 ~/Downloads $ ldapwhoami
SASL/GSSAPI authentication started
SASL username:
SASL data security layer installed.
dn:uid=jschaeffer,ou=end users,ou=people,dc=harmonywave,dc=com

But whenever I run the testsaslauthd command I can't get a successful 

root@baneling:~# testsaslauthd -u -p 
0: NO "authentication failed"

Here are my SASL settings:

root@baneling:~# cat /etc/default/saslauthd | grep -v '^$\|^\s*\#'
DESC="SASL Authentication Daemon"
OPTIONS="-c -m /var/run/saslauthd"

root@baneling:~# cat /etc/ldap/sasl2/slapd.conf

I can see my saslauthd socket listening and what I find really odd is that I 
can see a successful authentication attempt from Kerberos's logs:

root@baneling:~# netstat -a I | grep sasl
unix  2  [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 25552431 

I get this immediately after issuing the testsaslauthd command:

Sep 17 13:09:13 immortal krb5kdc[1210](info): AS_REQ (6 etypes {18 17 16 23 25 
krbtgt/, Additional pre-authentication required
Sep 17 13:09:13 immortal krb5kdc[1210](info): AS_REQ (6 etypes {18 17 16 23 25 
26}) ISSUE: authtime 1474139353, etypes {rep=18 tkt=18 ses=18}, for krbtgt/

You can also see it in the slapd logs:

Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=197 SRCH base="dc=harmonywave,dc=com" 
scope=2 deref=0 
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=197 SRCH 
attr=krbprincipalname krbcanonicalname objectclass krbprincipalkey 
krbmaxrenewableage krbmaxticketlife krbticketflags krbprincipalexpiration 
krbticketpolicyreference krbUpEnabled krbpwdpolicyreference 
krbpasswordexpiration krbLastFailedAuth krbLoginFailedCount 
krbLastSuccessfulAuth krbLastPwdChange krbLastAdminUnlock krbExtraData 
krbObjectReferences krbAllowedToDelegateTo
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=197 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 
err=0 nentries=1 text=
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=198 SRCH base="dc=harmonywave,dc=com" 
scope=2 deref=0 
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=198 SRCH 
attr=krbprincipalname krbcanonicalname objectclass krbprincipalkey 
krbmaxrenewableage krbmaxticketlife krbticketflags krbprincipalexpiration 
krbticketpolicyreference krbUpEnabled krbpwdpolicyreference 
krbpasswordexpiration krbLastFailedAuth krbLoginFailedCount 
krbLastSuccessfulAuth krbLastPwdChange krbLastAdminUnlock krbExtraData 
krbObjectReferences krbAllowedToDelegateTo
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=198 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 
err=0 nentries=1 text=
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=199 SRCH 
base="cn=default,cn=HARMONYWAVE.COM,cn=krbContainer,dc=harmonywave,dc=com" scope=0 
deref=0 filter="(objectClass=krbPwdPolicy)"
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=199 SRCH attr=cn 
krbmaxpwdlife krbminpwdlife krbpwdmindiffchars krbpwdminlength 
krbpwdhistorylength krbpwdmaxfailure krbpwdfailurecountinterval 
krbpwdlockoutduration krbpwdattributes krbpwdmaxlife krbpwdmaxrenewablelife 
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=199 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 
err=0 nentries=1 text=
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=200 SRCH base="dc=harmonywave,dc=com" 
scope=2 deref=0 
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=200 SRCH 
attr=krbprincipalname krbcanonicalname objectclass krbprincipalkey 
krbmaxrenewableage krbmaxticketlife krbticketflags krbprincipalexpiration 
krbticketpolicyreference krbUpEnabled krbpwdpolicyreference 
krbpasswordexpiration krbLastFailedAuth krbLoginFailedCount 
krbLastSuccessfulAuth krbLastPwdChange krbLastAdminUnlock krbExtraData 
krbObjectReferences krbAllowedToDelegateTo
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=200 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 
err=0 nentries=1 text=
Sep 17 13:10:27 baneling slapd[2166]: conn=1002 op=201 SRCH base="dc=harmonywave,dc=com" 
scope=2 deref=0