The Open Organization Ambassadors Report
++ (February 2019) ++

#### Contents ####

{1} Editor's Notes
{2} Ambassador Publications
{3} Site Stats
{4} Monthly Highlights
{5} Looking Ahead
{6} Ambassador Notes

#### {1} Editor's Notes ####

Welcome, one and all, to this month's Open Organization Ambassadors
Report. In February, the open organization community published 4 new
articles, and our materials generated a total of 13,557 page views at Additionally, visitors downloaded our books 232 times

And, most importantly, we also welcomed the newest Open Organization
Ambassador, Ben Cotton of the Fedora Project!

We've got several projects underway at the moment. Read on the see what
ambassadors around the world have been up to—and how you can contribute!

Editorially yours,

#### {2} Ambassador Publications ####

Ambassadors published the following articles in February:

Sam Knuth: "How do you plan when planning is dead?"

Ben Cotton: "Why your employees should be calling you out"

#### {3} Site Stats ####

Our top articles of the month were:

1. Sam Knuth: "How do you plan when planning is dead?"

Views: 1,313

2. Tanner Johnson: "How our non-profit works openly to make education

Views: 537


Page views for February: 13,557 (January: 14,702; December: 14,170)

Organize for Innovation downloads in February: 26 (January: 41;
December: 39)
Workbook downloads in February: 26 (January: 29; December: 35)
Guide to IT Culture Change downloads in February: 46 (January: 53;
December: 75)
Leaders Manual downloads in February: 61 (January: 203; December: 714)
Field Guide downloads in February: 54 (January: 50; December: 37)

Open Organization Definition downloads in February: 19 (January: 19;
December: 19)


#### {4} Monthly Highlights ####

Ben Cotton, program manager at the Fedora Project [1], joined the Open
Organization Ambassadors in February. A long-time writer and community
contributor, Ben has composed pieces on topics like organizational
transparency and inclusion. We're delighted to have him join the group!


The Red Hat blog featured a roundup of the community's recently
concluded "2019 resolutions" series, which highlighted contributions
from ambassadors and other members of the open organization community [2].


The Open Organization will be on the show floor at Red Hat Summit. As
part of the conference's dynamic Culture of Collaboration space, Open
Organization Ambassadors will deliver talks on topics like collaboration
and transparency among teams and across organizations. Visitors will
also be able to discover and read the _Open Organization_ book series.
We'll have more details soon.



#### {5} Looking Ahead ####

The next meeting of the Open Organization Ambassadors community will
occur Thursday, March 14 at 09:00 Eastern / 13:00 UTC / 15:00 CET.
Meeting notes are available for input and modification [1].


The Open Organization Ambassadors are currently developing two article
series: one on "the open organization in education" and another on "open
organizations and cognitive diversity [3]." We're currently recruiting
series contributors and welcome feedback. Please pitch in if you'd like!


Submissions for All Things Open 2019—which takes place October 13‒15 in
Raleigh, North Carolina—are due by March 15 [4]. Submit your open
culture-focused sessions today!



#### {6} Ambassador Notes ####

Ben Owens writes:

"I was recently invited to become a member of the Buck Institute's
National Faculty (I'll be headed to Napa Valley in early March for a
week of orientation—tough gig, I know). I will also be headed to China
in mid-March with the NC Science, Math, & Technology Center as we
accompany a cohort of students from the NCSSM to an international STEM
competition. Interspersed between and then after those trips are a
series of workshops I'm leading with schools to help them better
understand and adapt The Open Source Way into their culture."

++ (END) ++

{Take care, everyone, and see you in 31!—BB}

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