The Open Organization Ambassadors Report
++ November 2016 ++

#### Contents ####

{1} Editors' Notes
{2} Ambassador Update
{3} Site Stats
{4} Monthly Highlights
{5} Looking Ahead
{6} Ambassador Notes

#### {1} Editor's Notes ####

Greetings, readers, and welcome to the November 2016 Open Organization
Ambassadors Report!

November was a record-breaking month for the open organization community
at, as we brought open organization stories to more
readers than ever before.

We recorded 19,539 page views, surpassing our previous record of 18,626
from March 2016.

We published 10 articles this month, including a new resource entitled
"What is the Open Decision Framework?" We also added 174 new followers
on Twitter.

Ambassadors also began work on their first joint project: A working
definition of "open organizations." It's sure to become a valuable
community resource when finished!

During this season of thankfulness, we're especially grateful to be part
of such an energetic, vibrant, and dedicated community. Thank you all.

Bryan & Jason

#### {2} Ambassador Update ####

Ambassadors published the following articles in November:

Chad Whitacre: "Addressing open source's free rider problem"

#### {3} Site Stats ####

Our top articles of the month were:

1. Chad Whitacre: "Addressing open source's free rider problem"

Views: 3,450

2. Bryan Behrenshausen: "DevOps is a battlefield at the IT shop"

Views: 2,548

3. Bryan Behrenshausen: "Bringing DevOps to the classroom"

Views: 1,276

4. Kael Shipman: "Open is a means, not a movement"

Views: 1,178


Page views for November: 19,539 (October: 16,742; September: 13,976)

Field Guide webform sign-ups in November: 24 (October: 38; September: 64)
Field Guide downloads in November: 9 (October: 20; September: 33)

Catalyst-In-Chief webform sign-ups in November: 17 (October: 22;
September: 93)
Catalyst-In-Chief downloads in November: 7 (October: 14; September: 59)


Newsletter subscribers: 1,897 (-127 on the month)
Newsletter open rate (average): 49.05%
Newsletter clickthrough rate (average): 4.26%

#### {4} Monthly Highlights ####

The open organization ambassadors have begun collaborative work on their
first joint project, an outcome of their recent in-person meeting in
Raleigh as part of the All Things Open conference. The group is
currently preparing an extended definition of "open organizations" that
will serve as a resource for the community.


In November, we published a new resource for our community: "What is the
Open Decision Framework?" The FAQ-style document serves as a plain
language guide to one of the community's most frequently cited materials
from the Red Hat People Team [1].



On November 15, Jackie Yeaney of Red Hat joined Charlie Brown of Context
Partners for our third installment of the "Open Organization" webcast
series. The pair discussed the future of marketing in a networked,
community-driven world. Roughly 44 viewers attended, while 173
registered and 48 viewed the presentation on demand at a later date.


#### {5} Looking Ahead ####

We held our final #OpenOrgChat of 2016 on December 1. Our thanks to all
who attended to recount all that we've accomplished and learned over the
past year! Keep watching the hashtag in 2017 for updates on future plans.


December 6 will be a big day. We're celebrating one-and-a-half years of
_The Open Organization_ with the release of the _Open Organization
Leaders Manual_, a new companion to Jim's book that collects some of our
community's best writing on open leadership. And the book features many
ambassadors—including Dr. Phil Foster, who kindly penned its excellent
introduction. Like the other volumes, it'll be Creative Commons-licensed
and ready for sharing. Please pass it along!


Our next meeting of the open organization ambassadors will occur
Thursday, December 8 at 10:00 Eastern / 15:00 UTC. We'll hear updates
from all the ambassadors in attendance, then discuss in more detail our
working definition of open organizations. See you there!

#### {6} Ambassador Notes ####

Chad Whitacre writes:

"I spent the past two weeks in San Francisco networking and hacking. I
logged the trip on a GitHub ticket, of course. ;-) Probably my favorite
story [1] is about Cameron, a guy I met who couldn't stop writing "Love"
on the sidewalk. My current focus is fundraising for Gratipay, but that
doesn't mean I don't have my next post brewing [2]."




{See you next month!—Ed.}

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