### Editor's Note ###

Greetings, friends! Today we've published some new thinking and writing
from Jim Whitehurst, who explains how (and why) traditional theories of
management try to minimize collaboration—and why that's the wrong way to
organize for innovation today.

The open organization ambassadors meet for their April meeting today. So
expect an unusually concentrated level of brainwave activity to spike
around 10 a.m. Eastern. You've been warned.


### New Today ###

Jim Whitehurst: Why your people need to collide more—not less



Sample social media:

When leaders stop worrying about organizational friction, people
interact more—and innovation increases. It's time to stop coordinating
and start colliding. red.ht/2GD2RNG #TheOpenOrg

Working collaboratively has now become a necessity that managers need to
foster, not eliminate. @JWhitehurst explains: red.ht/2GD2RNG #TheOpenOrg

"If they're seeking greater innovation, managers need to encourage more
interactions between people in different functional areas, not fewer,"
writes @JWhitehurst: red.ht/2GD2RNG #TheOpenOrg

### Previously Published ###

Bryan Behrenshausen: "Tell us what to include in the next great
leadership book"


First day page views: 66

### Traffic ###

Page views yesterday: 869
Page views from Twitter yesterday: 26
Total page views for the month: 6,190

### Downloads ###

Workbook downloads: 1
Workbook downloads for the month: 24

Guide to IT Culture Change downloads: 20
Guide to IT Culture Change downloads for the month: 56

Leaders Manual downloads: 9
Leaders Manual downloads for the month: 36

Catalyst-In-Chief downloads: 6
Total Catalyst-In-Chief downloads for the month: 23

Field Guide downloads: 7
Total Field Guide downloads for the month: 37


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