On Tue, Jul 31, 2007, Olivier Kaloudoff wrote:

> Hello list !
>         I just installed snort on current,
> but at rc.snort start, it fails with rcService: command not found.
>         Browsing the web, it turns out that it might be a mismatch
> between snort rc scripts and openpkg ones, so I updated openpkg to
> 20070718 ..
>         still the same problem .. any ideas ?
> -bash-3.00# sh -x /openpkg/etc/rc.d/rc.snort  start
> [...]

Sorry, rc.xxx are _NOT_ a regular shell scripts!
See the first "she bang" line in rc.xxx scripts:

| #!<prefix>/bin/openpkg rc

So, it has to be executed through the "openpkg rc" "shell". You can't
just run "sh -x" on it as it contains RPM-style sections, etc. You have
to run it via:

$ /openpkg/bin/openpkg rc snort [...]    # canonical   way
$ /openpkg/etc/rc.d/rc.snort [...]       # alternative way

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Developer Communication List                   openpkg-dev@openpkg.org

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