The following OpenPKG Contribution Area operation occurred.
uploaded RPM specfile "zebedee.spec" accepted -- moved to contrib area.
No action is required on your part.

Information about zebedee.spec follows:
| # zebedee.spec for openpkg
| #   package version
| %define name zebedee
| %define ostype linux
| %define version 2.4.1
| # pkg infos
| Name:                 %{name}
| Summary:      Zebedee: a simple, free, secure TCP and UDP tunnel program
| URL:
| Packager:     Michele Favara Pedarsi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Class:          PLUS
| Group:          Networking
| License:        GPL
| Version:      %{version}
| Release:      2.4.0
| # sources
| Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
| # build infos
| Prefix: %{l_prefix}
| BuildRoot: %{l_buildroot}
| Conflicts: %{name} < %{version}
| BuildPreReq:  OpenPKG, openpkg >= 2.4.0, zlib, bzip2, openssl
| PreReq:       OpenPKG, openpkg >= 2.4.0
| AutoReq:      no
| AutoReqProv:  no
| Provides:     %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
| %description
| Zebedee is a simple program to establish an encrypted, compressed 
| "tunnel" for TCP/IP or UDP data transfer between two systems. 
| This allows traffic such as telnet, ftp and X to be protected from 
| snooping as well as potentially gaining performance over 
| low-bandwidth networks from compression.
| The main goals for Zebedee are to:
| - Provide full client and server functionality under both UNIX and 
|   Windows. Be easy to install, use and maintain with little or no
|   configuration required. Have a small footprint, low wire protocol
|   overhead and give significant traffic reduction by the use of
|   compression. 
| - Use only algorithms that are either unpatented or for which the 
|   patent has expired. 
| - Be entirely free for commercial or non-commercial use and 
|   distributed under the term of the GNU General Public Licence. 
| %track
|         prog zebedee = {
|                 version   = %{version}
|                 url       =
|                 regex     = %{name}-(__VER__)\.tar\.gz
|         }
| %prep
| %setup -q
| %build
| %{l_make} %{l_mflags} OS=%{ostype} ZINC= ZLIB=-lz BZINC= BZLIB=-lbz2 
BFINC=-I/usr/include/openssl BFLIB=-lcrypto
| %install
| %{l_make} %{l_mflags} install OS=%{ostype} 
| %{l_rpmtool} files -v -ofiles -r$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{l_files_std}
| %files -f files
| #/usr/bin/zebedee
| #/usr/bin/ftpgw.tcl
| #/usr/lib/zebedee
| #%doc /usr/man/man1/zebedee.1*
| #%doc /usr/man/man1/ftpgw.tcl.1*
| #%doc *.txt *.html
| %clean
| rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
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