Ahh okay... So it seems like it's not just my own setup then. My setup is much much smaller so I am at a bit of a loss to figure out why mine would be doing that. I did redo my .ini config files from scratch today with some slightly different settings in the network areas. Here's hoping it works out better!

On 4/19/2017 12:00 PM, David Saunders wrote:

We be having similar issues with .0,9. But we are quite larger 100+ regions(simulators) spread among 3 different server and the robust on it dedicated server. The problem we are having is network issues seams to the robust refuses connections for a few secs and then all back to normal tell the next time it happens. Since I was waiting tell the code is released before posting it.

I had planed on trying to run several asset servers to see if this will offload some of the connections on the robust server. And see if this will change things. But having 40 avatars I would not think would overload the robust. But who knows. We have plenty of ram for overhead for the robust server to live in. ( 40GB advailble)

It seams to be sort of random, our current fix if it happens to much is restart the region that seams have the connection issue.

But other then that, we been very please with the minor issues that we have and working to fix.


On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 7:46 AM, Chris <mewtwo0...@gmail.com <mailto:mewtwo0...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Thank you for the quick response. When I say instance, I mean a
    separate OpenSim.exe process-- There are 6 of them all connecting
    to Robust.exe; everything is running on the same computer and same
    network. All my local services are configured with the IP address
    that the server has (in this case, with the
    exception of the necessary WAN facing addresses needed for outside
    people to access it, login service, map service, etc. I would
    say... roughly 70 - 80% of teleports are successful with no
    problems, but the remaining 20 - 30% result in that issue.

    On 4/18/2017 5:44 AM, Luisillo Contepomi wrote:

        A question. When you say "instance" mean that is a computer
        separated or
        is a opensim.exe in the same computer?

        I test with all in the same computer:

        A computer with windows7 32Gb ram running:
        -a moneyserver.exe
        -a robust.exe
        -a opensim.exe with one varregion in grid
        -a opensim.exe with 5 varregions in grid

        I can teleport without problems from one to others. All ips
        used in
        region configurations are external in my local networkd (range

        My region ini sample:
        RegionUUID = 99999999-918b-489a-aaf6-999999999999
        Location = 992,1004
        InternalAddress =
        InternalPort = 9061
        AllowAlternatePorts = False
        ExternalHostName =
        PhysicalPrimMax = 64
        PhysicalPrimMin = 0.01
        NonPhysicalPrimMin = 0.001
        NonPhysicalPrimMax = 256
        LinksetPrims = 0
        ClampPrimSize = False
        MaxPrims = 45000
        MaxAgents = 50
        RegionType = Oceano
        MaptileStaticUUID = "ec753b06-545d-4c51-a052-999999999999"
             SizeX = 1024
             SizeY = 1024

        Kind regards,

        On 18/04/2017 10:21, Chris wrote:

            Since my email client decided to ruin my admittedly poor
            drawing of my
            grid setup with fixed width fonts :)

            Server Hardware ---> ROBUST --> OpenSim 1 (Region 1, Region 2)
                                    -------> OpenSim 2 (Region 3,
            Region 4)

            On 4/18/2017 3:15 AM, Chris wrote:

                I've recently set up a small test grid consisting of 6
                instances running on OS (Master) in normal
                grid mode (not HG).
                Everything seems to be working except that on teleport
                to another
                region in another instance there is randomly a
                complete failure of the
                teleport. This happens upon communication to the
                destination region
                resulting in the person teleporting being instantly
                logged off the
                grid as soon as they attempted the teleport, and they
                may even look
                like they're missing attachments to depending on if
                the viewer
                teleport screen went away or not. In the ROBUST
                console there is "Got
                logout for... (name)" when this happens.

                The instance and setup I used looks like this:
                There are 4 more OpenSim instances aside from this but
                they follow the
                same pattern

                                  (Server Hardware)
                                       /        \
                              OpenSim 1          OpenSim 2
                              |       |           |       |
                         Region 1   Region 2   Region 3  Region 4

                So for instance if I teleport from OpenSim 1, Region 1
                to OpenSim 2,
                Region 4 the chance for disconnect can happen in this
                instance. It's
                not consistent; sometimes TP works but other times
                there is a instant
                complete disconnect of the user before the viewer even
                tried to get
                them to their destination, that is... there's no long
                wait at the
                teleport progress bar, it's pretty much instantly when
                they try to
                teleport. This happens both when trying TP within the
                LAN for myself
                that OS is setup on and also over WAN for other users.
                I'm not sure if
                this happens if one does say... OpenSim 1, Region 1 to
                OpenSim 1,
                Region 2. I haven't seen it so far; it's been from
                OpenSim 1 to
                OpenSim 2 that I see it happen on occasion.

                I'm not sure why this would be happening, I've checked
                the access
                permissions for the destination regions and nothing's
                set up to deny
                anyone teleporting there. I've tried disabling
                antivirus and firewall
                to no avail. All instances are on the same server
                hardware along side
                ROBUST service; there is no communication to any other
                OS services
                outside of that server system.

                Does anyone have any insight to why this is happening?
                I'm really at a
                loss for it at this point especially since coming from
                OS 0.8.x grid
                mode and haven't seen this teleport issue there (I did
                start from
                scratch .ini files when I set up

                Thank you!

-- OpenSim: 10 Region Standalone on 0.8.1 Dev
    Physics: Open Dynamics Engine
    OS: Windows 7 (x64)
    CPU: AMD FX 8320 8-Core 3.5 GHz
    Memory: 16 GB DDR3
    Database: MySQL 5.1.63 (x64)

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OpenSim: 10 Region Standalone on 0.8.1 Dev
Physics: Open Dynamics Engine
OS: Windows 7 (x64)
CPU: AMD FX 8320 8-Core 3.5 GHz
Memory: 16 GB DDR3
Database: MySQL 5.1.63 (x64)

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