When sending out announcements to the opensolaris announcements lists, could 
people [b][i][u]please[/u][/i][/b] put intelligent, descriptive, and useful 
descriptions into the announcements?

After getting the recent announcement for the "Companion project", I have no 
clue as to what a "companion" is.  After a moment's head scratching, the only 
concept that occurred to me, is the concept of a "companion", from the Sci-Fi 
series, "Firefly"/"Serenity", and I'm sure that this has utterly nothing in 
common with what was intended.  :-)

So, in the future, could people please add something useful?  Something like, 
"What is it, and why is it useful?"

[ Please don't tell me what a "companion" is.  :-)  After a bit of searching, I 
remembered what it is.  ]
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