Hi everyone.  OLF is right around the corner! Here's the boilerplate
text that we've been sending out:
The 2014 Ohio LinuxFest is looking for presentations on Friday and
Saturday, October 24 and 25.  Please visit the CFP page
<https://ohiolinux.org/CFP> for full details about submitting a
proposal.  The deadline is July 24, but the sooner you can submit a
talk, the better.

Started in 2003, the Ohio LinuxFest <https://ohiolinux.org/> is an
annual grassroots conference in Columbus, Ohio dedicated to open
access for all.  Presentations relating to any free and open source
software, not just Linux, are welcome.  Areas where we've had talks in
the past include networking, system administration, development, and
community building.

Our audience consists of people at all skill levels.  Prior speaking
experience is a plus, although we do try to provide opportunities for
first-time speakers.  If you have any questions, please contact us at
<speak...@ohiolinux.org>.  We look forward to hearing from you!

I would *love* to see more content from the local community.  Columbus
is doing great stuff, and we have a lot of smart people working on
interesting things. Please consider submitting a proposal!  If you
have any questions feel free to email me directly.


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