Hi SSL support team,
We are using openssl 9.8l.

We phase a problem of "Too many open files" when we run our application for 
some time on a Solaris host.
The error is always reported from SSL lib with a signature like below
error:02001018:system library:fopen:Too many open files
Error extra data:
error:2006D002:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:system lib
error:0B084002:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:system lib
We captured an lsof output from the host , it looks like there are some udp 
socket descriptor files opened(which is unknown to our application) ,

Here is the host environment  details

OS: Solaris
version : 2.9

Any thoughts or assistance on this will be very helpful and appreciable.


Hi SSL support team,

We are using openssl 9.8l.


We phase a problem of "Too many open files" when we run our application for some time on a Solaris host.

The error is always reported from SSL lib with a signature like below


error:02001018:system library:fopen:Too many open files

Error extra data:

error:2006D002:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:system lib

error:0B084002:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:system lib


We captured an lsof output from the host , it looks like there are some udp socket descriptor files opened(which is unknown to our application) ,


Here is the host environment  details


OS: Solaris

version : 2.9


Any thoughts or assistance on this will be very helpful and appreciable.




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