Hi all,
Please help me. My problems are as follows:

1. I have generated key pair in Netscape (at client side) and then subsequently I have 
created Certificate (at server side) using -SPKAC option of "ca" command i.e signing 
the request with root private key. This works fine. My problem is how can I generate 
the key pair in IE and then create certificate using openssl like what I have done in 

Has any one done this? Please help me. I need your help despaerately - I tried a lot 
using actiovex etc.

2. In case of signing a text in Netscape, there is no problem- crypto.signText() of 
Java Script works fine and the output is PKCS#7 object. I can also verify at the 
server using "verify" command of OpenCA.

Could You please tell me how can I sign a text in the IE such that ouput will be 
PKCS#7 object?

3. If I have a crypto API which can generate a hash of a data and then sign it using 
the private key of the certificate, then is it possible to output a PKCS#7 
signed-object?If yes, How it can be done.
Please help me.

Thanking you in advance,


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