Please send this to so that it goes into the request tracker, or else it will likely be lost in the shuffle.

-Kyle H

On 9/7/10 1:56 PM, Vincent Labie wrote:

Please find attached a BN/AES/SHA1 asm implementation for SH4 and MIPS32 little 
endian systems (common CPUs in SoC).
This ASM code have been done with the help of Andy Polyakov's framework for the 
AES and SHA1 functions.

The gain is almost 2x on SH4 with scheduling optimization, and 33/40% on MIPS 
with all register usage (compared to GCC generated code for RSA/AES/SHA1, the 
very standard ciphers for SSL connections).
This gain is quite visible on low power CPU systems.

A lot of tests have been run with this patch on 0.9.8o and 1.0.0a openssl 
trees, so I think I can propose it for the openssl main tree.
Review and feedback are welcome.

Vincent Labie

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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