> From: Richard Levitte via RT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hmm, BIO_socket_ioctl() should really take a void* instead of 
> an unsigned long *.  Then, BIO_socket_nbio() should send a 
> pointer to an int instead of a pointe to a long.  The latter 
> can be done anyway and pushed through useing a cast (ugly), 
> or we could change that last argument type to 
> BIO_socket_ioctl(), but that breaks the API (at least at 
> source level).
> *sigh*

I have now also confirmed this bug to exist on 64-bit Solaris too.
Both solutions are viable in my opinion. The ugly cast avoids breaking
the api and the api breakage is very benign since it won't generate
warings on a c-compiler.


Magnus Lind

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