I've found a bug in crypto/rc2/rc2speed.c.  It is revealed when
compiling the 0.9.7 code (although this code is unchanged for 0.9.8) on
MacOSX against the 10.2.8 sdk, and the result is an undefined HZ.


At line crypto/rc2/rc2speed.c:105 are the preprocessor directives to
define HZ if it is not already defined:


#ifndef HZ

#ifndef CLK_TCK

#define HZ 100.0


#else /* CLK_TCK */

#define HZ ((double)CLK_TCK)



The #endif and #else are out of order, causing HZ to be undefined if
CLK_TCK is defined (as it is on the MacOS10.2.8 sdk).  It could also
cause a duplicate definition of HZ had already been defined.  This isn't
noticed on the newer versions of MacOS as CLK_TCK is not defined.


It should be:


#ifndef HZ

#ifndef CLK_TCK

#define HZ 100.0

#else /* CLK_TCK */

#define HZ ((double)CLK_TCK)






David Litwin


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