Title: Error During HandShake,SIP/TLS no information back from the TLS Server UNIXWARE 7.1


        I have a SIP/TLS implementation using the openssl libraries, and I am runing into a few issues that I don't know how to debug or what is going wrong.

        I have 3 machines running my application, one in unixware using openssl 9.7d the other 2 on Linux using openssl 9.7e, I have the same server/client certificates in them all and CA.

        I can get a successful connection between the Linux machines, but it doesn't work when I try from the unixware to the linux or viceversa.

        Here is the ssldump output from the linux machine, and the tcpdump output on the unixware machine, note I haven't been able to compile ssldump in unixware 7.1.1.

        Is there any known problem with the openssl libraries in Unixware, because it seems that it never respondes to requests.

        What would be the best way to figure out what is going wrong? I cannot interpret anything wrong on those 2 outputs.

        Thanks for your help,

        Ignacio Miranda

[EMAIL PROTECTED] certs]# /home/nacmir/sslTools/ssldump
New TCP connection #6: bwdevel01.usae.avaya.com(38531) <-> ipcpuw.usae.avaya.com(5061)
6 1  0.0016 (0.0016)  C>S  Handshake
        Version 3.1
        cipher suites
        Unknown value 0x39
        Unknown value 0x38
        Unknown value 0x35
        Unknown value 0x33
        Unknown value 0x32
        Unknown value 0x2f
        compression methods
6    28.0884 (28.0867)  S>C  TCP FIN
6    28.0889 (0.0004)  C>S  TCP FIN
New TCP connection #7: ipcpuw.usae.avaya.com(35656) <-> bwdevel01.usae.avaya.com(5061)


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