About year ago, the apps/x509.c has been patched not to ignore -keyform 
during -x509toreq operation.

IMHO it's proper time to patch not to ignore other options as well.

All following text is related to "openssl req -x509toreq" call.

Current behavior:

1. -outform is ignored, PEM format used all the times
2. output contain text representation of created request all the time, 
despite of '-text' option is used or not
3a. -text -x509toreq sequence results to following output sequence:
     [text representation of source x509 certificate]
     [text representation of resulting request]
     [resulting request in PEM format]
3b. -x509toreq -text sequence results to following output sequence:
     [text representation of resulting request]
     [resulting request in PEM format]
     [text representation of source x509 certificate]
3c. -x509toreq -text or -text -x509toreq sequences combined with -noout 
in any position results to following output sequence:
     [text representation of source x509 certificate]


Proposed behavior:

1. honor the -outform
2,3. print text representation of resulting request when -text requested 
only, then print resulting request in DER or PEM format unless -noout 
specified, don't print text representation of source x509 certificate in 
-x509toreq mode at all. It results to following output sequence:
     IF -text    THEN [text representation of resulting request]
     IF ! -noout THEN [resulting request in $( outform) format]

I wish [1] need no more explanation.

According to 2&3 - I assume the current behavior is not intentional. I 
wish the proposed behavior is more consistent with x509 app behavior in 
non x509toreq mode as well as behavior of other apps.

Patch is attached.

Best regards

Dan Lukes

Attachment: patch-DAN-apps::x509.c
Description: application/unregisterd-mime-type-to-avoid-ie-mime-sniffing

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