[[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Thu Jan 30 20:06:53 2003]:

First of all apologies for mixing several problems in one
post - i promise to do better next time, but i didn't consider
the Rand-problems bugs and really just wanted to mention them
on the side (having solved them for my purposes anyways)
as a hint for others.

> That's a bit coarse.   It might be sufficient to allow the service to
>    interact with the desktop [interactive user] (as admin user, right
>    click on "My Computer", select Manage..., navigate to the services
>    section, right click on the indicated service, choose the "Log On"
>    tab, and under the radio button for "Local System account" there's
>    a checkbox (off by default): "Allow service to interact with
>    desktop".   This can also be enabled when the service registers
>    itself at installation.
> See MS Knowledge Base article number 115825 (formerly Q115825), as
>    well as the documentation on ::CreateService() and search for

What's the use of allowing interaction with a pretty boring
desktop which always looks the same and has no "Mouse action"
for the purpose of generating randomness while introducing
a security risk ?

> Of course some customer locations might be reticent about letting
>    services interact with the desktop, this being a potential security
>    hole.
> But is there a bug here?  If it runs "okay" (with limited
>    functionality) if the service doesn't have permissions to access
>    the desktop, isn't that correct?  What would you have it do
>    differently if it did detect that it was running as a service?  Is
>    there some alternative source of randomness?  (Perhaps the number
>    of patches applied to the system? :-).

That would at least give us a high number... :-)
The problem is the following:
I was just compiling stunnel for use as service and had to
get it running in a pretty short amount of time.
Both calls (Rand_poll and RAND_file_name without a specified file)
just had the effect that the service couldn't start up on
system startup.
You would only get a message that the system was unable to start
up the service (for a million seconds or so), before giving up.
I do not consider that a real bug, but it prevents usage
of openSSL within such a service "out of the box".
(It does not run "okay" then, otherwise i wouldn't have
mentioned it)

> If so, it might be best to detect the problem at the specific API call
>    that fails rather than decide based on running as a service --
>    partly because it might work running as a service, partly because
>    it might fail for other reasons when not running as a service.

I did not have the time to really dive deep into problems,
so i was happy just being able to get everything running by
just modifying Rand_poll and skipping the Rand_file_name call
in stunnel.
For Rand_poll i found it sufficient to leave out all stuff
except for MS-randomness, epecially as the screen and user
stuff doesn't seem to make much sense under the aforementioned
circumstances anyways.
If the number of system patches is considered in the MS-algorithm
i can live with that randomness for the time being ;-)
Not giving a Rand_file_name and skipping the function was
o.k. for me too, as i don't have an "external" source of
randomness on the systems i use stunnel on.

If i have the time i'll try to come up with a good way to
determine if beeing run as service, while i for myself
can live with making that decision at compile-time at the
I'll also see if i can clarify the "rubbish" that comes up
in filename after usage of Rand_file_name without
filename and with no environment-variables set.
The only thing i can say so far is that it definitely
didn't even look slightly similar to something like ".rnd"
(more like the encrypted binary version of the word "rubbish")

I find it a bit tricky debugging a service at system startup
without a remote debugger and leaving conditions
realistic and original, but i'll see...

Thanks a lot,
best reagards,

Claudius Thomas

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