On Thu, Dec 16, 1999 at 05:40:18PM -0700, Alexey Melnikov wrote:

> I am developing multithreaded server that uses asynchronous socket IO.
> I would like to add SSL support, however it seems that OpenSSL handles
> socket IO itself. Server architecture requires that all socket
> operations are controlled by socket IO subsystem, but not by OpenSSL.
> Does anybody use OpenSSL with nonblocking sockets?

Non-blocking sockets (of the O_NONBLOCK kind) are no problem even if
OpenSSL does all the socket I/O itself.  If you need some other
variety of I/O and don't want to write a special BIO module for it,
then look at BIO pairs (crypto/bio/bss_bio.c, example code in
ssl/ssltest.c, more example code [in Lisp] available from <URL:
They are pipe-like -- you can give one end to the SSL library for
writing and reading, at the other end your application relays between
the SSL library and the actual I/O mechanisms.
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