The opensslx509 and ca commands
may create v3 certificates even if no extensions are present.

The code in apps/x509.c and apps/ca.c that sets the version of a certificate
is not quite  correct. It is basically set when the code thinks that some
extensions are going to be added and not after it; I think the version
should be set just before signing a certificate and this should be done
almost automatically.

To do this inside the library function X509_sign may be a little be
to far down although absolutely correct. A slightly weaker
alternative is to add a value -1 to X509_set_version which can be
called just before X509_sign, and which which set the correct
version depending on the content. Doing it in this way, the
set_version could also correctly set a v2 in case someone managed
to put a subjectUID/issuerUID

Note that in ca.c the code that is ifed'ed by X509_V3 is not active,
the version is set later, and not even using X509_set_version.

in the library there is also a routine  X509_REQ_to_X509 which
doesn't seem to be used anywhere and which produces a v3 certifictae
although no extensions are created. I think this routine could be
removed from the library.

Since there are at least two options to code, I'd like to hear some
comments before I send in one of the possible patches, which are
pretty small either.

in the demos/signcert,  a version "3" is set, should be 2.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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