On Thu, Jul 15, 2004 at 03:46:52PM +0200, Michael Konietzka via RT wrote:
> BUG: apps/crl.c always returns an error when using noout-option.
> Version: 0.9.7c, 0.9.7d, maybe more.
> OS: Linux, but bug is OS-independent
> When using the crl-command within the openssl-application the
> crl-command alwas returns with a ret-value!=0 when using "noout"-option which
> apps/openssl.c analyze as an "error in crl" though the crl-command didn't failed.
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] 006 $ openssl crl -out
> > /usr/pki/operating/006/ca/OpenCA/var/tmp/28466_cnv-2.tmp -in
> > /usr/pki/operating/006/ca/OpenCA/var/tmp/28466_data.tmp
> > -text -noout -inform PEM
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] 006 $ openssl
> > OpenSSL> crl -out
> > /usr/pki/operating/006/ca/OpenCA/var/tmp/28466_cnv-2.tmp -in
> > /usr/pki/operating/006/ca/OpenCA/var/tmp/28466_data.tmp
> > -text -noout -inform PEM
> > error in crl 

A co-worker of mine discovered the problem as well:

|> This makes some scripting a bit difficult:
|> * openssl crl ... -noout -text     returns 1 on success (!!!)
|> * openssl crl ... -text            returns 0 on success
|> * openssl crl ... -outform DER|PEM liefert 0 on success
|> Attached you'll find a short patch, which fixes this behaviour. As the
|> subfunction always returns 1, it would also be possible to always return 0, but
|> maybe the subfunction will change some time.

I've attached his patch.


Thought is limitation. Free your mind.
diff -Nur openssl-0.9.7d.orig/apps/crl.c openssl-0.9.7d/apps/crl.c
--- openssl-0.9.7d.orig/apps/crl.c      2004-07-20 11:13:28.428102578 +0200
+++ openssl-0.9.7d/apps/crl.c   2004-07-20 12:30:43.729848489 +0200
@@ -353,7 +353,13 @@
-       if (text) X509_CRL_print(out, x);
+       if (text) {
+      ret=X509_CRL_print(out, x);
+      /* stupid hack for stupid functions 
+       * X509_CRL_print seems to always return 1*/
+      if(ret == 1) 
+         ret=0;
+   }
        if (noout) goto end;

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