IN case anyone is going to be in the area.

On 2/8/18, 2:26 PM, "Art Manion" <> wrote:

    The CERT Coordination Center invites you to attend the 2018 CERT Vendor
    Meeting.  The meeting will be held on Monday April 16, 2018, at the
    Westin St. Francis in San Francisco, CA, US.
    Meeting time will be 9 AM to 5 PM, lunch and snacks will be provided.
    There is no cost to attend.
    This year we will be holding a morning-only introductory vulnerability
    response capability building course.  Anyone attending the morning
    course is welcome to attend the meeting in the afternoon.  Both the
    course and meeting will run concurrently in the morning.
    This year we are focusing the meeting on two not-unrelated topics:
    1. Supply chain transparency and component relationships
    How to vendors identify and track upstream components, and vulnerabilities 
in those components?  How do vendors inform downstream users?  How do defenders 
maintain accurate inventories of components and vulnerabilities?
    2. Radically new ways to do multi-party coordinated vulnerability disclosure
    How does the hub-and-spoke coordination model perform at increasing scale 
(both frequency and number of parties)?  What alternatives exist?  What 
trade-offs are vendors and other stakeholders willing to make?
    The CERT/CC plans to introduce and frame both topics.  We welcome questions 
and discussion on this list, and also offers to speak on either topic.
    We ask that teams initially limit attendance at two people; we'll raise
    this limit depending on the response and available seating.  Seats are
    first come first served.
    To register, please visit:
    Questions and discussion topics can be sent to <>.
      - Art
                 Art Manion  --  CERT Coordination Center
        <>   <>   +1 412-268-5800
            11CD AEFD A187 0946 BA68  5C01 536D E2E4 D1BB 6ADF

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