I think the current plan, to do QUIC over a series of releases, is a mistake it 
seems seriously likely to make OpenSSL less relevant.  Some reasons follow.

According to https://www.openssl.org/blog/blog/2019/11/07/3.0-update/, the 
initial target for 3.0 was end of 2019, but the announced release date 
was moved once to early Q2 2020, then early Q4 2020. It was ultimately released 
early Q4 2021. That’s a slip of nearly two years. Sure, I know COVID affected 
many things, but the impact on OpenSSL, whose fellows all worked from home 
offices, should have been slight. Regardless, the focus of this release was on 
*cryptography* something which is highly familiar to the team.

With this release, as detailed in 
https://www.mail-archive.com/openssl-project@openssl.org/msg02585.html, it 
appears that OpenSSL is trying to do two things. Have a more rapid release 
cadence -- the stated objective is six months -- and implement QUIC over a 
series of releases. To keep a six-month cycle probably means five months of 
planning and development. During the 3.0 work, the project hired, and then 
fired, a project manager to keep things on track. Are you going to hire 
another? The project has a very bad history of meeting time-bounded deadlines. 
This is not surprising; software engineers tend to chronically under-estimate 
the amount of time needed.

In addition, an LTS release will be either 3.1 if available by next September, 
or the current 3.0. Neither alternative is good. The section on QUIC discusses 
the MVP for that release. Making an LTS release that is based on a radical 
restructuring of the record layer, not to mention having a half-baked and 
useless QUIC release, does not meet the community's needs. It is also 
exceedingly unlikely to be ready within a year, which means 3.0 will be the 
next LTS release. This means that many issues found by the community while 
adopting 3.0 will go unaddressed in LTS, as each will have to pass the "is this 
a bug-fix" barrier or be approved as an exception. Exceptions are *wrong* for 
an LTS release. The next LTS release should be just cleanup, fixes, and 
usability enhancements found during 3.0 deployments.

The level of technical detail in the release requirements are curious. They go 
into great detail and greatly constrain the OTC. This was not done for FIPS, 
where the design was led by the OTC and had involvement from the project 
sponsors. I know that some OTC members are not pleased with this level of 
detail, and I don't blame them. It might be useful for the OMC to release a 
rationale. Why is it necessary to "implement QUIC" when instead the directive 
could have been "support QUIC"?  If the API from 
https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/8797 is so distasteful (yes, enum's in 
function parameters are not OpenSSL style), it would have been better if the 
project convened leading TLS and QUIC implementors to come up with a new one. 
That would have shown true leadership, and I know some of those affected by 
these plans would have supported that.

QUIC is a subtle protocol. Its evolution within the IETF took several years, 
and the development staff at major implementations includes full-time 
developers, QA engineers, and documentation writers. Currently OpenSSL has five 
full-time fellows, and none of them have any recognized experience in 
implementing transport protocols. Look at the complexity in the BIO code around 
DNS and handling IPv4/IPv6 address families portably. While the project 
currently has DTLS, which is a UDP protocol, QUIC is more like the former than 
the latter.

The MVP does not rise to the level of minimally viable: A single-stream client 
that can be added to the s_client application without significant API changes. 
There is no mention of server implementation -- will there be one? It's not 
even mentioned as a stretch goal for the first release. Is that bifurcation of 
the community intentional? If it's an oversight, it can be seen as yet another 
indication that the QUIC plan is not well thought out.

There are numerous freely available QUIC implementations. For example, look at 
https://interop.seemann.io/ which shows 14. It is easy to get an implementation 
added to that, and yet OpenSSL is only promising to interop against one 
implementation. Why aren't Google, bundled with Chrome and Android, or 
Microsoft, bundled with Windows, or Apple,  bundled into iOS 15, tested? 
Perhaps the reason is that only client-side is part of the first release. 
Again, the Internet doesn't need yet another limited client-side-only QUIC 
implementation, and the plan as currently stated will force anyone deploying a 
server to go elsewhere. Even if you add single-stream server support to the 
MVP, that will not be sufficient for any server that wants to support modern 

The additional API in PR8797 is under 2000 lines. It supports, at least, 
Microsoft MSQUIC, Google QUIC, the QUIC implementation in Node.js, and ngtcp2 
by Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa. The API devised by David Benjamin and ported by Todd in 
the PR, is clearly something the QUIC community wants. In addition, Apache 
Traffic Server implements QUIC and recommends QuicTLS, not OpenSSL. Nginx 
supports using the QuicTLS fork during their development. A complete QUIC 
implementation by OpenSSL will take several years and certainly be many times 

An OpenSSL implementation is not something the QUIC community wants. The 
leaders of the MSQUIC, gQUIC, Curl, and Node projects have all spoken out 
against OpenSSL implementing QUIC. Many people in the community commented in PR 
8797 against the OpenSSL plan, including Lars Eggert, IETF Chair and former 
QUIC WG Chair, Martin Duke, IETF Transport Area Director, and Lucas Pardue, 
co-chair of the QUIC WG.

It is important to realize that QUIC is not "done." While the initial documents 
are RFCs, looking at https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/quic/documents/, shows 
that there are nearly a dozen drafts in preparation. Certainly not all of them 
will advance to RFC, but many will. Also, other IETF WG's are using QUIC, 
include ALPS in the TLS WG, and the multiplexed transport on top of QUIC known 
as MASQUE WG. There will be *significant* progress on QUIC during the time 
OpenSSL is distracted by playing catch-up. As little work can be done by anyone 
on new features until a full-featured implementation is available, OpenSSL will 
forever lag behind.

By focusing on QUIC, the project is also not serving its existing community. 
The OMC plan has already tossed aside DTLS 1.3, no matter when it is finished. 
What other worthwhile, standardized, work will be given short shrift? The plan 
makes no mention of existing PR's, or possible new ones.

Now speaking for myself, I am concerned that the the implementation of the 
stated plan will not be good. The performance impact of the 3.0 provider 
interface have not been fully quantified, but experience shows the overhead is 
significant. For example, Microsoft recommends avoiding the 3.0 version of 
QuicTLS for performance reasons. I also suggest a careful reading of IETF RFC 
9001. While it is possible to do a "pluggable" record implementation, that RFC 
and wide implementation experience, shows that it is not necessary. This is not 
like a new crypto algorithm or provider; a pluggable record layer to 
accommodate TLS, DTLS, KTLS, and QUIC, seems like a fool's errand, perhaps 
brought on by the hubris of thinking that the world needs OpenSSL to implement 
QUIC.  It doesn't.  It needs OpenSSL to implement OpenSSL cryptography.

Thank you for having read this far. I apologize if my strong language offended 
anyone, that was not my intent. I only wish to convey, as strongly as possible 
through the medium of email, that the path the project is on is bad and will 
force people to leave.  To repeat something I've seen posted before, "No matter 
how far down the wrong road you've gone, turn back."

Most sincerely,
-rich $alz

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