OMC Vote: Update security prenotification policy to include MODERATE issues

2022-05-11 Thread Mark J Cox
Topic: Update security prenotification policy to include MODERATE issues
Proposed by: Mark Cox
Issue link:
Public: yes
Opened: 2022-05-11
Closed: -MM-DD
Accepted:  yes/no  (for: X, against: Y, abstained: Z, not voted: W)

  Kurt   [  ]
  Mark   [  ]
  Matt   [  ]
  Pauli  [  ]
  Richard[  ]
  Tim[  ]

OMC vote: voting policy change to announcement vote

2022-05-11 Thread Dr Paul Dale

Topic: Accept the vote announcement to voting policy changes as at 395652c
Proposed by: Pauli
Issue link:
Public: yes
Opened: 2022-05-11
Closed: -MM-DD
Accepted:  yes/no  (for: X, against: Y, abstained: Z, not voted: W)