Building with MS Studio 2012 on Windows 7 fails with 1.0.2g during a link step. Note that 1.0.2f builds fine. Looks like we crossed some sort of command line length threshold with 1.0.2g.


NMAKE : fatal error U1095: expanded command line

link /nologo /subsystem:console /opt:ref /debug /dll /out:out32dll.dbg\gost.dll @C:\cygwin64\tmp\nmFE55.tmp
   Creating library out32dll.dbg\gost.lib and object out32dll.dbg\gost.exp
IF EXIST out32dll.dbg\gost.dll.manifest mt -nologo -manifest out32dll.dbg\gost.dll.manifest -outputresource:out32dll.dbg\gost.dll;2

I am going to try modifying the make file to use shorter directory names to try to get the link line back under the max length threshold.

Any other suggestions?

Norm Green

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