
Hodie XV Kal. Apr. MMIX, Stephen Lewis scripsit:
> I'm trying to create a sub-ca with name constraints for website
> certificate generation with the effect that sub-ca can sign only certs
> for *.mydomain.com, i.e. anything ending in .mydomain.com
> I'm trying to do this using the nameConstraints extension. I find that
> if I specify a single
>     nameConstraints = permitted;DNS:*.mydomain.com
> then the behaviour is as desired for certs that use the
> subjectAlternativeName rather than DN, for example a signed cert with

Good, since the X.509 standard doesn't provide examples for pattern
matching on dNSName, only for rfc822Name, and these are written as
".mydomain.com", not "*.mydomain.com".

> However this is easily subverted by sub-ca issuing certs with the
> website name in the CN and without a subjectAlternativeName, for example
> CN=www.mybank.com passes validation, presumably because there is no
> constraint on the DN included.


> - Is it possible to specify multiple nameConstraints in the openssl.cnf
> so that both CN and subjectAlternativeName are constrained ?
> - It it possible to specify a dirName nameConstraint that allows CN to
> contain *.mydomain.com where * is anything but not allow CN = anything
> that does not end in .mydomain.com ?

Edition 2005/08 of the X.509 has added a field in the nameConstraints
extension, requiredNameForms; it allows you to explicitely require a
dNSName, in order for the permittedSubTrees to do its job.
Unfortunately, this field has been removed in the Corrigendum 1
published in 2007/01. Unfortunately also, it wasn't sufficient (the
sub-CA could place a valid dNSName, and place a CN in the subject with
another value).

Erwann ABALEA <erwann.aba...@keynectis.com>
Mammifère : se dit d'un animal à squelette, poilu, qui donne du lait. Exemple : 
une noix de coco.
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