
A week ago I offered to make echohttpd, my SSL test application,
public available. I received some requests, so I refined the code a bit,
added some comments... and now it is ready for download at:
This is no end user application. It is a programming example only!

If the OpenSSL maintainers find echohttpd is a useful example, they may
include it in the OpenSSL distribution or at http://www.openssl.org/. 
Echohttpd is placed under a BSD style licence like OpenSSL.

Echohttpd is a primitive, old stype forking HTTP/HTTPS server hat simply 
echos the http protocoll data back to the the browser. It is not intended 
for use, it is a programming example only. It shows varios aspects about
implementing a HTTPS server from creating a connection, ... forcing a
renegotation, ... doing client cert based authorisation, ... up to CRL
checking. (This part ist stolen from Mr. Engelschalls mod_ssl.) 
echohttpd was my test environement for learning how the SSL suff works
before I integrated SSL into thttpd. (http://www.acme.com/software/thttpd)


Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/

p.s. Greetings from the "SSL_renegotiate during POST request" problem.

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