Background, earlier versions of my project were using OpenSSL 1.n.n, the output 
stayed within it's checkout directory, and the .DLLs deployed to where-ever the 
project was deployed.

Now trying to implement OpenSSL 3, after compiling it seems to be keep 
referring to the directories it was configured with.   -prefix   --openssldir
I can see the OPENSSLDIR, ENGINESDIR, MODULESDIR via openssl version -a   The 
man pages reference Environment variables, but those don't seem to have any 
effect, and the ENGINES related docs all say deprecated for PROVIDERS.

How do I set the openSSL 3, (openssl.exe, libssl-3.dll, and libcrypto-3.dll, 
openssl.cnf, etc)  to use the eventual installed location(s)?
reasons why I need to be able:
1.  The users will not be running from a directory structure like my 
development directories.

2.  Compiling to Program Files (x86) requires Administrator (or something)  
privileges which I don't have.

3.  Also compiling on our BuildServer, the build job will not have access to 
drive C:


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