> From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of Dan Si Atat
> Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 14:32

> I am trying to emulate in OpenSSL java encryption algorithm.  
> When using "RSA_public_encrypt" are there parameters to emulate any of
> combinations of parameters in Java?
> I tried using "RSA_PKCS1_PADDING" as a padding parameter but when I
> the encrypted text in Java I get a BadPadding exception.
Then you're doing something wrong. I can encrypt in openssl with
and decrypt in Java with RSA/ECB/PKCS1PADDING (or just RSA, because Java
defaults to PKCS1 padding)
or RSA/ECB/OAEPWITHSHA1ANDMGF1PADDING (SHA1 not MD5; openssl doesn't do
OEAP-MD5, nor the SHA-2s)
and vice versa. Tested with openssl 0.9.8za 1.0.0j,m 1.0.1c,h versus Java
7u15 7u72 8u05 8u25
which are the versions I currently have on my "throwaway" test environment.
(FWIW I do have 
"unlimited crypto" policy in all Javas, although I don't think that makes a
difference for RSA.)

Are you sure you're using (halves of) the same keypair on both sides? 
Key mismatch will definitely manifest as bad padding.

Are you treating the data as binary (C/C++ "b", Java Stream bytes not
Reader/Writer chars) 
or encoding/decoding to a form that exactly preserves bits (usually base64
or hex)?
(Although if not I would usually expect length errors rather than padding.)

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