Trying to generate a RSA private key and get the errors shown below....
It is able to generate private keys when numbits <= 64.
Any Ideas AnyOne; Thanks In Advance....
$WORK0 OLAPPOBJ 315> run openssl genrsa -out $work0.cadir.privkey -rand $work0.c
adir.rnd -des3 -out $work0.cadir.privkey -passout pass:password 128            
$WORK0 OLAPPOBJ 315..                                                          
1024 semi-random bytes loaded                                                  
Generating RSA private key, 128 bit long modulus                               
306C072:bignum routines:bn_expand2:bignum too long:$DATA5.OLCPBN.BNLIBC:-2680: 
1:error:04069003:rsa routines:RSA_generate_key:BN lib:$DATA5.OLCPRSA.RSAGENC:-14
ABENDED: 1,156                                                                 
CPU time: 0:00:57.121                                                          
1: Process terminated with warning diagnostics                                 

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