is there a chance that for this release of openssl 
(, also 
version(s) for HP-UX 11.23 (HP-UX 11iv2 for Itanium and PA-RISC 2.0) is/are 
going to be released?
We are currently reviewing our serverfarm and do very much need the 11.23 
version as well, to prevent  the exploit.
Though we did read the notification 
but we urge you to provide us with the requested release(s) and/or the 
procedure to obtain aformentioned release(s).
We believe we are not the only organisation that still has active 11.23 host 
systems running............ and we will highly appreciate you help and 
assistance in this matter.
Awaiting your response,
met vriendelijke groet / with Best Regards
Mr. Coos Klarenbeek
Systeembeheer UNIX / System Administration UNIX
Dienst ICT Uitvoering / Department ICT Management
Ministerie van Economische Zaken / Ministery of Economic Affairs
Juliana van Stolberglaan 148 | 2595 CL | Den Haag | Flexplek 1.*
Postbus 20401 | 2500 EK | Den Haag | The Netherlands
T  +31(0)70-7573534    M +31(0)6-50805481
(Online op ma, di, do,vr)

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