Re: Server Binary Mode: open files requested by the client in binary mode

2019-07-18 Thread chabboud
For context: the binary file is for wireless firmware updates of an ARM
Cortex-M4 MCU. 

If opening files in binary mode is not possible, I will need to implement a
base64 text encoding, which unfortunately increases my image size.

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Server Binary Mode: open files requested by the client in binary mode

2019-07-16 Thread chabboud
I am trying to set up a server from which I can download binary files. 
However, I can only download text files. If I try to download binary files,
I only receive the first few hundred bytes.

Using options:
openssl s_server -key key.pem -cert cert.pem -accept 4443 -WWW

The master Manual lists option: -http_server_binmode
/"When acting as web-server (using option -WWW or -HTTP) open files
requested by the client in binary mode."/

This option sounds like exactly what I need but it is not available in the
latest release.  How can I make the server open files in binary mode?

I am running OpenSSL 1.1.1c for Windows.

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