Problem linking libssl.a libcrypto.a and my own lib to an application

2000-11-07 Thread raggi
I am having problem linking libssl.a libcrypto.a and my own lib to an application. I began by building the SSL library on my x86 based Redhat 7 that was really straight forward. Then I compiled my own library that is linked to libssl.a and libcrypto.a, so far so good... Then as I started

RE: memory leaks in openssl - urgent.......

2000-06-30 Thread raggi
Hi all I have also been receiving numerous copies of each message posted for the 24 hours... I just wanted to add my BoundsChecker printout to the pool, I am also trying to eliminate memory leaks from my app. If I find something out I will let you know. BTW Arora : i am calling the same

Re: client authentication

2000-06-28 Thread raggi
I was having problems with client authentication that I solved only moments ago. Try calling SSL_new (m_pCtx) only after you load the certificates and keys, makes sense when you think of it. Also, use SSL_CTX_set_verify(m_pCtx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, verify); with only SSL_VERIFY_PEER not

Re: SSL alert number 10

2000-06-27 Thread raggi
Thank you Lutz, your response gave me an idea i.e. I used meth = TLSv1_client_method(); instead of meth = SSLv3_client_method(); My SSL alert number 10 vanished... now I can connect without receiving this error. This seems to work A.OK with the JCSI server, at least no worse :) Now all I

Re: SSL alert number 10

2000-06-27 Thread raggi
Are you using non-blocking sockets? Lutz No, I am using blocking sockets... Ragnar --- int ClientConnectionType::connectToHost() { int err = 0; struct sockaddr_in sa; X509* server_cert; char* str; SSL_METHOD *meth;

Re: SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file() problem

2000-06-26 Thread raggi
Hmmm. Are you manually calling PKC5_pbe_set() and EVP_PBE_CipherInit()? You shouldn't have to. This kind of thing should be automatically handled by the PKCS#8 code when you call SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(), Dear Dr. Henson Of course you were correct, I was on a wrong track. Thank you

SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file() problem

2000-06-23 Thread raggi
Hello everybody I am new to working with openssl so this may seem like a stupid question, but I just can't seem to get past this problem. I have a java server that uses the JCSI library from DTSC in Australia and implements my certificates and keys with PBEandMD5andDES algorithm, PKCS#8

Re: SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file() problem

2000-06-23 Thread raggi
Thank you for your quick response Dr. Henson. I thought to myself: but I've done that!, although I call the SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms() but it's now defined as OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms()... no wait a minute... it defined as OpenSSL_add_ssl_algorithms(). Well, a stupid mistake on my behalf.