Re: Connection Resetting

2010-09-01 Thread Sam Jantz
A little more about how my proxy works,

My proxy behaves like number two in the previous email.  It is purely a
bidirectional proxy with no clear tracking of the protocol.  With the only
exception being it reads the entire (unencrypted) Connect request from the
client, and then goes and connects to the server.  Once the connection to
the server is OK it creates two separate structures that are wrappers for
communication over the ssl protocol.  These structures are both aware of
each other, and can schedule a write, or a read with the other.

It's multi threaded with non-blocking I/O.  I'm not sure exactly what
you mean by socket discovery, but I think you are asking how my program
determines when something is ready?  If that's the case then my program uses
a select statement to watch the file descriptor to see if it's ready for
read or write.  It uses a call back system to perform the correct action
based on which fd_set was ready.

 The issue with my file upload shouldn't be lying in the blocking issue
since it's non-blocking I/O.  It looks like the issue with a SSL_read call
from the perspective of the program as the client is returning zero during
the upload (which makes sense) but the way my proxy is handling connections
the only reason it could have read is if there was a SSL_get_error() that
returned a SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ code.  I am going to post my ssl_read and
ssl_write wrapper functions, and anything else that's important to those two

void ProxySSLConnection::ssl_read()
if (!_ssl)

DataBuffer *buf = _other-_buffer;
int ret = SSL_read(_ssl, buf-end(), buf-len_avail());
if (ret  0)
buf-len += ret;
handle_ssl_error(ret, ProxySSLConnection::ssl_read, read);

void ProxySSLConnection::ssl_write()
if (!_ssl)
int ret = SSL_write(_ssl, _buffer-begin(), _buffer-len);
//printf(WRITING: \n);
 //These lines are just debugging.
//for(char * buf = _buffer-begin();buf != _buffer-end();buf++){
//   printf(%c, *buf);
if (ret  0)
if (!_buffer-empty())
handle_ssl_error(ret, ProxySSLConnection::ssl_write, write);

The handle_ssl_error function is:

void ProxySSLConnection::handle_ssl_error(int ret, handler_function handler,
const char * caller)
int error = SSL_get_error(_ssl, ret);
switch (error)
unsigned long err = ERR_get_error();
while (err != 0)
char* err_string = ERR_error_string(err, NULL);
cout  err_string  endl;
err = ERR_get_error();

If the following case is added to the switch then the upload is fixed, but
the threads never exit:

 case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: //This case is where the uploads fail.

The caller variable is just for debug purposes.  As per Dave Thompson's
request I was using it to determine which call was causing the error, and
was then calling perror(caller) since I was getting a SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL with
a ret of 0, and the perror printed read: Success.

Schedule Read and Write:

void ProxySSLConnection::schedule_write(handler_function handler)
_write_handler = handler;

void ProxySSLConnection::schedule_read(handler_function handler)
_read_handler = handler;

_proxy_thread is the calling thread that created the ProxySSLConnection
class. register_read and register_write callbacks are literally just doing
an FD_SET() on the file descriptor of the _ssl connection and a fd_set
called read_set, and write_set respectively.   In each ProxyThread there
select statement inside of a main loop that is woken up by either a signal
from another thread, or from a file descriptor being ready.  When the file
descriptor is ready the thread will call on_read or on_write of the
appropriate ProxySSLConnection

on_read, and on_write:

void ProxySSLConnection::on_read()

void ProxySSLConnection::on_write()

void ProxySSLConnection::handle_callback(handler_function *handler)
if (*handler)
handler_function the_handler = *handler;

RE: Connection Resetting

2010-09-01 Thread Dave Thompson
   From: On Behalf Of Sam Jantz
   Sent: Wednesday, 01 September, 2010 12:25

   My proxy behaves like number two in the previous email.  
 It is purely a bidirectional proxy with no clear tracking of the 
 protocol [after CONNECT] It's multi threaded with non-blocking I/O.  
 I'm not sure exactly what you mean by socket discovery, but I think 
 you are asking how my program determines when something is ready?  
 If that's the case then my program uses a select statement to watch 
 the file descriptor to see if it's ready for read or write 
 [with callbacks] based on which fd_set was ready.

Okay, sounds fine. 

 It looks like the issue with a SSL_read call from the perspective 
 of the program as the client is returning zero during the upload 
 (which makes sense) but the way my proxy is handling connections 
 the only reason it could have read is if there was a 
 SSL_get_error() that returned a SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ code.  
snipped most code

We need to distinguish SSL_read/write and socket level.
You should, and it looks like your code does, call SSL_read 
when you want (app-level) data and either _WANT_READ was 
previously returned and select says readable (normal case) 
or _WANT_WRITE was returned and select says writable (only 
renegotiation, which I doubt gmail does, but others might).
Similarly for write. 

It appears to me your psc-ssl_read should be called once 
at connection start; it might get data which you process, 
and schedule another read when select says; or it returns 
-1 and SSL_get_error returns _WANT_READ and you schedule 
the next read when select says. In either case 'scheduled' 
reads should normally return data and schedule again, 
although it is possible there is socket level data that 
does not constitute a complete app-level record, so 
SSL_read=-1/get_error=_WANT_READ, and you re-schedule. 
Or you could schedule_read(psc::ssl_read) at startup, 
so the first ssl_read is attempted when select says 
but without _WANT_READ having cause that scheduling.

For a HTTP-unaware proxy, you must try to SSL_read 
from each side (and forward to the other) 'always', 
but can't when you don't have buffer space available.
I don't see any checking, so I guess buf-len_avail() 
returns 0 and you call SSL_read with max 0, and it looks
to me that will return 0 but NOT meaning disconnect/EOF, 
and I'm not sure what SSL_get_error does in this state; 
it may well 'default' to _SYSCALL.

If the client=browser is 'nearby' in network terms e.g. 
on same LAN and gmail is 'distant', then it is quite 
plausible receiving is faster than sending and you do 
get buffer (temporarily) full unless it's big enough.

   void ProxySSLConnection::handle_ssl_error(int ret, 
   handler_function handler, const char * caller)
   int error = SSL_get_error(_ssl, ret);
   switch (error)
   unsigned long err = ERR_get_error();
   while (err != 0)
   char* err_string = ERR_error_string(err, NULL);
   cout  err_string  endl;
   err = ERR_get_error();

I suggest for ERROR_SYSCALL and probably ERROR_SSL it would 
often help to know what was going on when you encountered 
the error. Your (added, below) caller gives the operation; 
do you have info conveniently in (or possibly mappable from) 
your ProxySSLConnection that says which side this is, and 
if you handle multiple connections concurrently (which from 
your structure I guess is a goal/feature) which connection?
Alternatively can you get a debugger on this (state)? 
Then you can look around at whatever you need (in memory).

   If the following case is added to the switch then the 
 upload is fixed, but the threads never exit:

case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: //This case is where the uploads fail.

   The caller variable is just for debug purposes.  As per 
 Dave Thompson's request I was using it to determine which call 
 was causing the error, and was then calling perror(caller) since 
 I was getting a SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL with a ret of 0, and the perror 
 printed read: Success.

Did you do perror() before couterr_string could clobber errno? 
Assuming so, that's either disconnect-without-shutdown (because
shutdown would have given _ZERO_RETURN) but neither 

RE: Connection Resetting

2010-09-01 Thread David Schwartz

Sam Jantz wrote:

 It's multi threaded with non-blocking I/O.  I'm not sure exactly what
 you mean by socket discovery, but I think you are asking how my program
 determines when something is ready?  If that's the case then my program
 uses a select statement to watch the file descriptor to see if it's ready
 for read or write.  It uses a call back system to perform the correct
 action based on which fd_set was ready.

Okay, just make sure to only call 'select' when OpenSSL tells you to.
Otherwise, you may be waiting for something that has already happened.

 void ProxySSLConnection::handle_ssl_error(int ret,
 handler_function handler, const char * caller)
     int error = SSL_get_error(_ssl, ret);
     switch (error)
         case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ:

Your code has a subtle race condition because it assumes the two directions
of an SSL connection have independent states. Consider the following case:

1) SSL_read on connection A returns SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ.

2) In another thread, SSL_read on connection B returns with some data.

3) Some data arrives on connection A. SSL_read on connection A now would
return data immediately.

4) You call SSL_write on connection A to send the data you received in step
2. It reads from the socket the data that arrived in step 3. (SSL_read would
not return data without having to read on the socket, the socket is not

5) You now act on the SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ you got in step 1, but it was
invalidated by the actions in step 4. You call 'select' to wait for data
that has already been received and never see the data received in step 3 and
read in step 4.

Before you call 'select' to wait for readability or writability, you must
make sure that data movement in the other direction did not make the
WANT_READ/WANT_WRITE indication invalid.

This bug tends to rear its ugly head only on renegotiations though. So I
don't think it's causing your actual problem.


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: Connection Resetting

2010-08-31 Thread Sam Jantz
Okay so the fix for the bug that I mentioned before introduced a much worse
bug (That's what I get for not knowing exactly what is going on).  This new
bug causes the system to keep all threads alive for the length of the proxy
so with enough sites visited the computer the proxy is running on becomes
useless (100% processor load).  I now understand that the reason they never
exit is because the connection is never getting shutdown properly as far as
the TLS standard is concerned, so the fix I put in was to basically ignore
that, and keep going.

 But alas, that didn't work for long.  My question is why is the session
getting reset before I can upload a file?  Is there some sort of a watchdog
timer that I am neglecting to poke before the connection is reset?

 Any help would be appreciated.


On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Sam Jantz wrote:


 Thank you for the clarification on HTTP keep-alives.

 I have just now fixed the bug.  The source of the problem was an
 SSL_read call on the client half of the proxy.  This was triggering an error
 SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL with a ret of zero.  According to the documentation this
 is normally caused by an improperly shutdown SSL connection, however
 rescheduling the read for when the socket was ready (using a select
 statement) fixed this issue.  I have tested it up to a 5MB file, and it
 works perfectly.

 I am a little confused on why I was getting the error in the first
 place still though.  What would cause SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL to be flagged, and
 have an empty error queue if the socket was not closed improperly on the
 other side?

 On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 11:06 PM, Dave Thompson dthomp...@prinpay.comwrote:

From: On Behalf Of Sam Jantz
Sent: Friday, 27 August, 2010 18:16

I have a question concerning Keep-Alives.  I'm writing a SSL
  (which is working great except for this issue) and every time I
  [POST about 470KB rather than about 18KB] the connection resets,
  and it gets caught in an infinite retransmit loop.  snip
  This behavior is only implemented in Firefox. In the other browsers
  it seems to fail out with some error about unexpected reset.
  Is there some parameter that I can set when establishing
  the SSL connection that will allow me to wait for larger transfers

 1. This has nothing to do with keep-alives. HTTP 1.1 keep-alive
 is a passive feature; it doesn't do anything, instead if agreed the
 server REFRAINS FROM closing the connection as it would for 1.0.

 2. It sounds like the browser is getting RST. (Or to be exact,
 getting an error from the OS that *it* got RST.) Firefox might
 respond to this differently than other browsers, by retrying;
 I don't have time to test. If so, the RST is caused by your
 proxy doing something abnormal, most likely dying. Check your
 code for bugs, and/or your logs -- your program does have logging
 and diagnostic code in it, like any well-designed program, right?

 3. Or do you think the proxy is getting RST from gmail?
 I am 99.99% certain google wouldn't have a problem that would do
 that, although it isn't completely impossible. It's much more
 likely to be some network (mis)feature between you and gmail,
 like a firewall, NAT box, access controller, transparent (but
 not really) cache, etc. Try without your proxy, but with a client
 (i.e. browser) on the machine where the proxy is, to the same server
 with the same amounts of data (or at least reasonably close).
 If you can, try from different places in the Internet, like
 from home or a Starbucks versus the company office.

 4. SSL itself has no timelimits; it will wait forever, or until
 the underlying TCP connection fails. (If a remote host just dies
 without closing properly, TCP may detect this in anywhere from
 a few minutes to many hours or days, depending.) An application
 *using* SSL might have a timelimit; if so you have to look to
 that program as to how, and whether, you can change it.

 And sometimes a firewall or NAT box or such has an idle timeout,
 where it will terminate your connection if it isn't used for an
 excessive period of time, and some netadmins have a crazy idea
 what is excessive; but I've never seen less than 15 minutes,
 which I expect is not the case in your example. The really awful
 ones do this silently, or by faking FIN; the ones that fake(?)
 RST at least give you a detectable error.

 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager

 Sam Jantz
 Software Engineer

Sam Jantz
Software Engineer

RE: Connection Resetting

2010-08-31 Thread Dave Thompson
   From: On Behalf Of Sam Jantz
   Sent: Monday, 30 August, 2010 13:50

   I have just now fixed the bug.  The source of the problem 
 was an SSL_read call on the client half of the proxy.  This was triggering

This is ambiguous; do you mean the connection to the client (where the proxy

is acting as server) or the connection to the server (proxy acting as
The latter makes more sense to me, see below.

 an error SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL with a ret of zero.  According to the
 this is normally caused by an improperly shutdown SSL connection, however 
 rescheduling the read for when the socket was ready (using a select
 fixed this issue.  I have tested it up to a 5MB file, and it works

This isn't entirely clear; are you saying SSL_read returned 0 (which
TCP disconnect aka EOF) and *then* SSL_get_error returned _SYSCALL (and
_ZERO_RETURN)? That would mean the peer disconnected but without doing a 
shutdown alert first. It's arguable whether this is improper, but it's 
at least suboptimal or possibly worrisome.

You didn't say, and I didn't think to ask: how do you know you are sending 
the whole request? If you are say SSL_read'ing only the first 32K or 100K 
or 1M or such of the request from the client, SSL_write'ing that to the
and then SSL_read'ing the server, of course you can't get a valid response.

In that case I would expect gmail to time-out and disconnect -- as a huge 
public service, it can't afford to keep potentially huge numbers of
from wedged clients. If they did just-disconnect, it might be politer to do 
SSL-shutdown, but depending on the software structure that might be

You might have been on the right track originally about keepalive.
For 1.0 you can simply do connection-oriented:
  while (n=SSL_read(fromcli,buf))  0   SSL_write(tosvr,n);
  if n==0  /* EOF=disconnect=request complete, now do response */ 
while (n=SSL_read(fromsvr,buf))  0   SSL_write(tocli,n);
close(tocli); /* indicate end */
close(tosvr); /* clean up */
  elif n==-1  /* error, possibly incomplete request */ ??

But for 1.1 if keepalive is enabled (and all browsers I have used do, 
although technically it is optional) you *won't* get EOF following 
(and delimiting) the request, so in general you must either:

1. parse the request headers (at least if there is a body, 
which there is for POST) and do:
  while more_req()  (n=SSL_read(cli))0  SSL_write(svr)
  if error or incomplete ??
  /* similarly for response if body, which there is for most requests, 
with the additional complication of possible chunked transport */
  loop for next request+response, until EOF on either side 

or 2. do 'full-duplex' which works for any HTTP sequence:
  while forever or until manually interrupted
when data available from cli read and write to svr 
when data available from svr read and write to cli 
in between do something that doesn't hog CPU
but if an error happens you don't know what the HTTP state is 
and can't even try to recover. Using select-readable *on both sides* 
gives you a good approximation to this, but in general SSL and thus 
openssl may need to both send and receive even on a connection that 
is logically write-only or read-only, so instead of just select'ing 
for readable (or writable), the robust way is to use nonblocking 
sockets, try SSL_read or SSL_write, let it return -1 and SSL_get_error 
will tell you _WANT_READ or _WANT_WRITE, and (remember and) select 
for that. This is described in both the SSL_read/write and SSL_get_error 
manpages. Or, less efficient but simpler, just (re)try _read (and _write 
when needed) every X milliseconds, and it will progress when it can.

   I am a little confused on why I was getting the error in the
first place 
 still though.  What would cause SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL to be flagged, and have 
 an empty error queue if the socket was not closed improperly on the other

First, EOF isn't really an error. Second, when SSL_read etc. (calls BIO_sock

which) gets a socket error, it returns -1 and SSL_get_error returns
but the error is not (usually?) put in the ERR_ queue. You must instead use 
errno on Unix or [WSA]GetLastError() on Windows. The manpage for
says this may be the case and in my experience it always is. (Note that 
internally, at the OS level, [WSA]EWOULDBLOCK/etc. for nonblocking are 
treated as errors, but openssl handles them internally so your code only 
sees 'real' errors.)

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

RE: Connection Resetting

2010-08-31 Thread David Schwartz

 I'm writing a SSL proxy (which is working great except for this issue)
 and every time I got to attach a file in an email the connection resets,
 and it gets caught in an infinite retransmit loop.

There are two totally different ways you can make an SSL proxy, and to figure 
out your issue, we really need to know which type.

1) An SSL proxy can understand the underlying protocol, know which side is 
supposed to transmit when, and only try to read from that side. In this case, 
it's vital that the proxy correctly track the protocol and not be reading from 
one side when it's the other side's turn to send.

2) An SSL proxy can ignore the underlying protocol and not know which side is 
supposed to transmit when. In this case, the proxy must always be ready to read 
from either side. It must never block indefinitely trying to read from one side.

You can also have a hybrid. For example, you can read only from the client side 
until you get the full request, and then once you process the request, you 
switch to bidirectional proxying.

It is very common for people to naively assume that their code will magically 
know which side to read from. I assure, this is not the case. Unless you 
carefully track the protocol, all you know is that the client has to send some 
data first. But once it does, all bets are off -- again, unless you carefully 
track the protocol.

Also, you don't mention whether your I/O is blocking or non-blocking, and if 
non-blocking, how your socket discovery works. This can be subtle with OpenSSL 
and your mistake might lie there. For example, if you using blocking I/O, you 
can't just block one thread in SSL_read in each direction, because if you do, 
there's nothing you can do when SSL_read returns (since the connection you need 
to send on is in use, potentially indefinitely, by the other thread).


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: Connection Resetting

2010-08-30 Thread Sam Jantz

Thank you for the clarification on HTTP keep-alives.

I have just now fixed the bug.  The source of the problem was an
SSL_read call on the client half of the proxy.  This was triggering an error
SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL with a ret of zero.  According to the documentation this
is normally caused by an improperly shutdown SSL connection, however
rescheduling the read for when the socket was ready (using a select
statement) fixed this issue.  I have tested it up to a 5MB file, and it
works perfectly.

I am a little confused on why I was getting the error in the first place
still though.  What would cause SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL to be flagged, and have an
empty error queue if the socket was not closed improperly on the other side?

On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 11:06 PM, Dave Thompson dthomp...@prinpay.comwrote:

From: On Behalf Of Sam Jantz
Sent: Friday, 27 August, 2010 18:16

I have a question concerning Keep-Alives.  I'm writing a SSL
  (which is working great except for this issue) and every time I
  [POST about 470KB rather than about 18KB] the connection resets,
  and it gets caught in an infinite retransmit loop.  snip
  This behavior is only implemented in Firefox. In the other browsers
  it seems to fail out with some error about unexpected reset.
  Is there some parameter that I can set when establishing
  the SSL connection that will allow me to wait for larger transfers

 1. This has nothing to do with keep-alives. HTTP 1.1 keep-alive
 is a passive feature; it doesn't do anything, instead if agreed the
 server REFRAINS FROM closing the connection as it would for 1.0.

 2. It sounds like the browser is getting RST. (Or to be exact,
 getting an error from the OS that *it* got RST.) Firefox might
 respond to this differently than other browsers, by retrying;
 I don't have time to test. If so, the RST is caused by your
 proxy doing something abnormal, most likely dying. Check your
 code for bugs, and/or your logs -- your program does have logging
 and diagnostic code in it, like any well-designed program, right?

 3. Or do you think the proxy is getting RST from gmail?
 I am 99.99% certain google wouldn't have a problem that would do
 that, although it isn't completely impossible. It's much more
 likely to be some network (mis)feature between you and gmail,
 like a firewall, NAT box, access controller, transparent (but
 not really) cache, etc. Try without your proxy, but with a client
 (i.e. browser) on the machine where the proxy is, to the same server
 with the same amounts of data (or at least reasonably close).
 If you can, try from different places in the Internet, like
 from home or a Starbucks versus the company office.

 4. SSL itself has no timelimits; it will wait forever, or until
 the underlying TCP connection fails. (If a remote host just dies
 without closing properly, TCP may detect this in anywhere from
 a few minutes to many hours or days, depending.) An application
 *using* SSL might have a timelimit; if so you have to look to
 that program as to how, and whether, you can change it.

 And sometimes a firewall or NAT box or such has an idle timeout,
 where it will terminate your connection if it isn't used for an
 excessive period of time, and some netadmins have a crazy idea
 what is excessive; but I've never seen less than 15 minutes,
 which I expect is not the case in your example. The really awful
 ones do this silently, or by faking FIN; the ones that fake(?)
 RST at least give you a detectable error.

 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing
 Automated List Manager

Sam Jantz
Software Engineer

RE: Connection Resetting

2010-08-29 Thread Dave Thompson
   From: On Behalf Of Sam Jantz
   Sent: Friday, 27 August, 2010 18:16

   I have a question concerning Keep-Alives.  I'm writing a SSL
 (which is working great except for this issue) and every time I 
 [POST about 470KB rather than about 18KB] the connection resets, 
 and it gets caught in an infinite retransmit loop.  snip
 This behavior is only implemented in Firefox. In the other browsers 
 it seems to fail out with some error about unexpected reset.  
 Is there some parameter that I can set when establishing 
 the SSL connection that will allow me to wait for larger transfers without

1. This has nothing to do with keep-alives. HTTP 1.1 keep-alive 
is a passive feature; it doesn't do anything, instead if agreed the 
server REFRAINS FROM closing the connection as it would for 1.0.

2. It sounds like the browser is getting RST. (Or to be exact, 
getting an error from the OS that *it* got RST.) Firefox might 
respond to this differently than other browsers, by retrying; 
I don't have time to test. If so, the RST is caused by your 
proxy doing something abnormal, most likely dying. Check your 
code for bugs, and/or your logs -- your program does have logging 
and diagnostic code in it, like any well-designed program, right?

3. Or do you think the proxy is getting RST from gmail? 
I am 99.99% certain google wouldn't have a problem that would do 
that, although it isn't completely impossible. It's much more 
likely to be some network (mis)feature between you and gmail, 
like a firewall, NAT box, access controller, transparent (but 
not really) cache, etc. Try without your proxy, but with a client 
(i.e. browser) on the machine where the proxy is, to the same server 
with the same amounts of data (or at least reasonably close).
If you can, try from different places in the Internet, like 
from home or a Starbucks versus the company office.

4. SSL itself has no timelimits; it will wait forever, or until 
the underlying TCP connection fails. (If a remote host just dies 
without closing properly, TCP may detect this in anywhere from 
a few minutes to many hours or days, depending.) An application 
*using* SSL might have a timelimit; if so you have to look to 
that program as to how, and whether, you can change it.

And sometimes a firewall or NAT box or such has an idle timeout, 
where it will terminate your connection if it isn't used for an 
excessive period of time, and some netadmins have a crazy idea 
what is excessive; but I've never seen less than 15 minutes, 
which I expect is not the case in your example. The really awful 
ones do this silently, or by faking FIN; the ones that fake(?) 
RST at least give you a detectable error.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Connection Resetting

2010-08-27 Thread Sam Jantz
Hello all,

I have a question concerning Keep-Alives.  I'm writing a SSL proxy
(which is working great except for this issue) and every time I got to
attach a file in an email the connection resets, and it gets caught in an
infinite retransmit loop.  I've tested it with Gmail, and also with the
outlook here at the office.  I can attach a small file (17KB tested) but
when I venture to a larger file (say 469KB for the image I'm testing) the
connection will never complete, and will continue to reset the transmission,
and loop.  This behavior is only implemented in Firefox. In the other
browsers it seems to fail out with some error about unexpected reset.  Is
there some parameter that I can set when establishing the SSL connection
that will allow me to wait for larger transfers without reseting?

Here is a sample of what I mean, this is the SSL_write() method output
(caution: long):

POST /mail/?url omitted for safety HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:
Gecko/2010072022 Iceweasel/3.0.6 (Debian-3.0.6-3) Firefox on x64 debian,
fails on windows too
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: omitted for privacy
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
Content-Length: 481618

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=to

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=cc

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=bcc

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=subject

Test Attach Again
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=f_gddktpet0; filename=mario.jpg
Content-Type: image/jpeg


And then the process repeats nearly word for word.

However when I attach a smaller image it works perfectly and instead of
repeating a get a server HTTP/1.1 200 OK message.

Any information would be appreciated.  Thank you.


Sam Jantz
Software Engineer