We are gleeful to announce the release of:

openstack-ansible 13.1.2: Ansible playbooks for deploying OpenStack

With source available at:


For more details, please see below.


New Features

* The new LBaaS v2 dashboard is available in Horizon. Deployers can
  enable the panel by setting the following Ansible variable:

     horizon_enable_neutron_lbaas: True

  The tasks in the os_horizon role will determine which LBaaS version
  is in use (via "neutron_plugin_base") and activate the correct panel
  for LBaaS v1 or v2.

* Horizon's IPv6 support is now configurable with Ansible variables.
  Deployers can enable IPv6 support in Horizon by setting the
  following variable:

     horizon_enable_ipv6: True

  Please note: Horizon will still display IPv6 addresses in various
  panels with IPv6 support disabled. However, it will not allow any
  direct management of IPv6 configuration.

* The openstack-ansible-memcached_server role includes a new
  override,`memcached_connections` which is automatically calculated
  from the number of memcached connection limit plus additional 1k to
  configure the OS nofile limit. Without proper nofile limit
  configuration, memcached will crash in order to support higher
  parallel connection TCP/Memcache counts.

* Allow the fallocate_reserve option to be set (in bytes) for Swift,
  to help prevent disks from filling up and prevent a situation where
  Swift is unable to remove objects due to a lack of disk space. The
  fallocate_reserve value to is set to a default of 10GB.

* Enable rsync module per object server drive by setting the
  "swift_rsync_module_per_drive" setting to "True". Set this to
  configure rsync and swift to utilise individual configuration per
  drive. This is required when disabling rsyncs to individual disks.
  For example, in a disk full scenario.

Upgrade Notes

* As described in the Mitaka release notes
  (http://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/neutron/mitaka.html) Neutron
  now correctly calculates for and advertises the MTU to instances.
  The default DHCP configuration to advertise an MTU to instances has
  therefore been removed from the variable "neutron_dhcp_config".

* As described in the Mitaka release notes
  (http://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/neutron/mitaka.html) Neutron
  now correctly calculates for and advertises the MTU to instances. As
  such the "neutron_network_device_mtu" variable has been removed and
  the hard-coded values in the templates for "advertise_mtu",
  "path_mtu", and "segment_mtu" have been removed to allow upstream
  defaults to operate as intended.

* A new nova admin endpoint will be registered with the suffix
  "/v2.1/%(tenant_id)s". The nova admin endpoint with the suffix
  "/v2/%(tenant_id)s" may be manually removed.

* The "swift_max_rsync_connections" default value has changed from 2
  to 4 in order to match the OpenStack swift documented value.

Bug Fixes

* The dictionary-based variables in "defaults/main.yml" are now
  individual variables. The dictionary-based variables could not be
  changed as the documentation instructed. Instead it was required to
  override the entire dictionary. Deployers must use the new variable
  names to enable or disable the security configuration changes
  applied by the security role. For more information, see Launchpad
  Bug 1577944 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-

* Failed access logging is now disabled by default and can be
  enabled by changing "security_audit_failed_access" to "yes". The
  rsyslog daemon checks for the existence of log files regularly and
  this audit rule was triggered very frequently, which led to very
  large audit logs.

* The security role now handles "ssh_config" files that contain
  "Match" stanzas. A marker is added to the configuration file and any
  new configuration items will be added below that marker. In
  addition, the configuration file is validated for each change to the
  ssh configuration file.

* The nova admin endpoint is now correctly registered as
  "/v2.1/%(tenant_id)s" instead of "/v2/%(tenant_id)s".

* The XFS filesystem is excluded from the daily mlocate crond job in
  order to conserve disk IO for large IOPS bursts due to
  updatedb/mlocate file indexing.

Changes in openstack-ansible 13.1.1..13.1.2

ad610f5 DOCS: Clarify guidance for deploy hosts
b365fb6 Correct nova admin endpoint version
0811490 [DOCS] Adding missing kernel modules for VPNaaS
02e95f2 DOCS: Configuration section - cleanup
7d4304c DOCS: Configuration section - cleanup
21cfc94 DOCS: Configuration section - cleanup
1f448f1 Docs: Ops section - cleanup
654adf6 Add Ceilometer instructions to new compute node instructions
2cc1f7d Docs: Overview section - cleanup
2b4ec3f Docs: Target hosts section - cleanup
855ce1a Docs: Installation section - cleanup
ed4a4cf Docs: Appendix section - cleanup
b65fb14 DOCS: Deployment host  section - cleanup
9786c96 Add upgrade guide to documentation index
b154dc2 Updates all SHAs for 13.1.2
a186757 Ensure all role dependencies are consistently specified
29ec1ba DOCS: Clean up of the Mitaka upgrade guide

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

ansible-role-requirements.yml                      |  22 +-
.../install-guide/configure-cinder-backup.rst      |  79 -------
.../install-guide/configure-cinder-horizon.rst     |  26 ---
.../configure-configurationintegrity.rst           |  19 +-
.../configure-federation-idp-adfs.rst              |  24 +-
.../install-guide/configure-federation-idp.rst     |  48 ++--
.../install-guide/configure-federation-mapping.rst |  64 +++---
.../configure-federation-sp-overview.rst           |  63 ++---
.../install-guide/configure-federation-sp.rst      |  76 +++----
.../configure-federation-use-case.rst              | 162 +++++++------
.../install-guide/configure-federation-wrapper.rst |  95 ++++----
.../configure-ironic-baremetal-node.rst            |  21 --
.../install-guide/configure-ironic-deployment.rst  |  12 -
.../install-guide/configure-ironic-flavor.rst      |  30 ---
.../install-guide/configure-ironic-images.rst      |  66 ------
.../install-guide/configure-ironic-neutron.rst     |  22 --
.../install-guide/configure-ironic-nodes.rst       |  52 -----
.../configure-network-services-fwaas.rst           |  53 -----
.../configure-network-services-lbaas.rst           |  94 --------
.../configure-network-services-vpnaas.rst          |  50 ----
.../install-guide/configure-network-services.rst   | 220 +++++++++++++++++-
.../install-guide/configure-sslcertificates.rst    |  99 ++++----
.../install-guide/configure-swift-config.rst       |  95 ++++----
.../install-guide/configure-swift-devices.rst      |  26 +--
.../install-guide/configure-swift-glance.rst       |  27 ++-
.../install-guide/configure-swift-overview.rst     |  23 --
.../install-guide/configure-swift-policies.rst     |  20 +-
.../install-guide/install-infrastructure.rst       |  12 +-
.../install-guide/targethosts-networkexample.rst   |   3 +-
.../install-guide/targethosts-networkrefarch.rst   |   3 +-
.../defaults/repo_packages/openstack_other.yml     |   6 +-
.../defaults/repo_packages/openstack_services.yml  |  32 +--
playbooks/inventory/group_vars/all.yml             |   2 +-
playbooks/inventory/group_vars/hosts.yml           |   6 +-
...plate-MultiStrOps-support-c28e33fd5044e14d.yaml |  15 +-
...tionary-variables-removed-957c7b7b2108ba1f.yaml |   9 +
...iled-access-audit-logging-789dc01c8bcbef17.yaml |   6 +
...ndling-sshd-match-stanzas-fa40b97689004e46.yaml |   7 +
.../lbaasv2-horizon-panel-8f99026b025ca2fd.yaml    |  13 ++
.../notes/make-ipv6-a-toggle-63d9c839e204cdda.yaml |  14 ++
...server-add-nofile-setting-504e0c50e10a4ea6.yaml |   9 +
.../notes/neutron-dhcp-mtu-8767de6f541b04c1.yaml   |   8 +
.../notes/neutron-fwaas-5c7c6508f2cc05c3.yaml      |   2 +-
.../neutron-mtu-cleanup-ce73693b4f7aef0d.yaml      |   9 +
.../nova-admin-endpoint-fix-d52cc00caa5ab5dd.yaml  |   6 +
.../swift-fallocate-reserve-ff513025da68bfed.yaml  |   8 +
...onfigure-xfs-from-mlocate-e4844e6c0469afd6.yaml |   5 +
...ft-rsync-module-per-drive-79b05af8276e7d6e.yaml |  12 +
requirements.txt                                   |   4 +-
scripts/run-tempest.sh                             |   2 +-
scripts/scripts-library.sh                         |   2 +-
scripts/sources-branch-updater.sh                  |  10 +-
106 files changed, 2219 insertions(+), 2007 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 3b50b96..1bfe1c0 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -11,2 +11,2 @@ PyYAML>=3.1.0           # ansible

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