Hi Clark,
I'm not familiar with nova, as usual, you can use 'virsh dumpxml <domain>'
to show domain XML configuration, I assume
you have installed libvirt-client rpm package, or if you successfully
defined a domain then you also may find its XML
configuration under the /etc/libvirt/qemu/<domain>.xml, I hope it's helpful
for you.

Good Luck!

2013/10/16 Clark Laughlin <clark.laugh...@linaro.org>

> Hello everyone,
> I'm trying to figure out how "<video><model type='cirrus' vram='9216'
> heads='1'/></video>" makes it into the libvirt domain XML when creating a
> new instance.  I see where much of the content of the XML is created by the
> libvirt driver under nova/nova/virt/libvirt.  However, I am unable to find
> where this makes it in there.  Could someone point me in the right
> direction?
> Thank you,
> Clark L
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