
I would like to continue the discussion that started in the [review][1]
for the Big-Tent integration of the project Bilean.

In the [review][1] the Bilean team stated that a new project was needed
to overcome limitations of existing components.
In this thread, I would like to have an open discussion about what
features are lacking in the available components and what needs to be
done to integrate the Bilean use case with the current components.

I'm not opposed to changes and new features in CloudKitty, and I'm
pretty sure that trigger-based billing can be integrated in CloudKitty's

>From my perspective, CloudKitty team is a small team and having two
teams working on rating/billing is just scattering contributions and is
detrimental to both projects. It brings confusion to users minds about
what components should be used.

We can add this topic to our meeting agenda, so we can have a talk on

I'm hoping we'll find a solution that benefits existing projects and
enables you to implement your trigger-based billing solution.


[1]: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/334350/

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