Hello, guys!

We faced with Glance notifications issue during Tempest tests for
Ceilometer. We tried to send notification by ourselves (during
investigation we've found that Glance uses almost the same code):

from oslo.config import cfg
from oslo import messaging

CONF.rabbit_host = 'localhost'
CONF.rabbit_port = 5672
CONF.rabbit_use_ssl = False
CONF.rabbit_userid = 'guest'
CONF.rabbit_password = 'guest'
CONF.rabbit_virtual_host = '/'
CONF.rabbit_notification_exchange = 'glance'
CONF.rabbit_notification_topic = 'notifications'
CONF.rabbit_durable_queues = False
CONF.notification_driver = 'rabbit'

tr = messaging.get_transport(CONF, 'rabbit://')
n = messaging.Notifier(tr, 'messaging', 'image.localhost')
n.info({},'image.hello_world', 'Hello, World!')

And no messages were detected in Rabbit. And no ERRORs.
Please advice, maybe this issue is known?

Thanks for any help,
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