Mirrors cleanup is done. No more gems, no more source files for third-party
tools. Only centos and ubuntu packages.

Next and the last action item - create astute package during iso build.

On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 2:10 PM, Dmitry Pyzhov <dpyz...@mirantis.com> wrote:

> How does it impact development process? If I change code of, let's say,
>> shotgun, and then run "make iso", will I get an ISO with my code of
>> shotgun? What about other packages, sources of which I did not touch (let's
>> say nailgun) ?
> Everything is packaged, with two exceptions: *astute* and third-party
> packages for nailgun-agent. We are working on it.
> How far we became from implementing simple command to build an OpenStack
>> package from source?
> Not even a bit closer. Design for OpenStack packages is in progress.
> What is the time difference, is ISO build became faster? Can you provide
>> numbers?
> A little bit faster. I did not perform precise measurements and we still
> need remove gem mirror. It will be something like decreasing from 22
> minutes to 17 minutes.
> We still have puppet modules not packaged, right? Do we have plans for
>> packaging it too?
> Yes, puppet is not packaged. It is in our post-5.0 plans.
> On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 12:55 AM, Mike Scherbakov <
> mscherba...@mirantis.com> wrote:
>> That's cool actually.
>> I have a few specific questions:
>>    1. How does it impact development process? If I change code of, let's
>>    say, shotgun, and then run "make iso", will I get an ISO with my code of
>>    shotgun? What about other packages, sources of which I did not touch 
>> (let's
>>    say nailgun) ?
>>    2. How far we became from implementing simple command to build an
>>    OpenStack package from source?
>>    3. What is the time difference, is ISO build became faster? Can you
>>    provide numbers?
>>    4. We still have puppet modules not packaged, right? Do we have plans
>>    for packaging it too?
>> I assume we will document the usage of this somewhere in dev docs too.
>> Thanks,
>> On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 6:06 PM, Dmitry Pyzhov <dpyz...@mirantis.com>wrote:
>>> Guys,
>>> I've removed ability to use eggs packages on master node:
>>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/88012/
>>> Next step is to remove gems mirror:
>>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/88278/
>>> It will be merged when osci team fix rubygem-yajl-ruby package.
>>> Hopefully on Monday.
>>> From that moment all our code will be installed everywhere from
>>> packages. And there will be option to build packages during iso build or
>>> use pre-built packages from our mirrors.
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>> Mike Scherbakov
>> #mihgen
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