Hello everyone,

Today, Horizon protect its resources (views, Dashboards or Panels) using a hard-coded approach, restricting on code the access to users having determined roles (like Admin). This problem was already addressed in this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1226627

In an attempt to flexibilize the RBAC control over Horizon resources, I designed an approach that involves the creation of a (temporary) Horizon's policy file. This file receives rules to protect every resource, controlling the access on Horizon and has the flexibility for cloud-providers to edit these rules and add the checks over the roles that best meet their needs.

A POC of this approach was sent to Gerrit as WIP, so you may evaluate the viability of the approach. It's avaliable on the review link below. I'd like you to take a look and send some feedback. If it seems viable to you guys, I'll write a blueprint (or spec) to address this change.



Thiago Paiva Brito
Software Engineer
Advanced OpenStack Brazil Team

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